
Wow you’re a neck beard fat fuck virgin aren’t you?   Fucking loser. lol

Hawkeye saves everyone with his magical bow and arrow.  Thanos is buys laughing his ass off at a dude with a bow and arrow trying to attack him, he has a stroke and dies.  

I’m not white, and also go fuck yourself.  

Exactly.  E550 with the non AMG pacakge suspension, get the comfort suspension and they are effortless power with cloud like ride.   Or even a S550.  

This is a pretty dumb scenario/question.  Go buy your sports sedan/coupe, and just rent a god damn $20 truck when you need to haul shit from Home depot.   Problem solved.  

I can name 4-5 people off the top of my head that claim every year making money off taxes. Sure it’s deductions but how is a family with only one working adult and 3 kids living in the basement of a relative making $13K in tax returns? There is no incentive or motivation for these low cast bottom dwellers to try

This is true, but you have to admit the irony of fighting for equal rights in a workplace for black actors is out the window now bc of Jordan Peele.  Hey maybe he can hire every black actor out there for his movies now, bc rest of hollywood just got a free pass to keep very limited black people in lead roles.  

How do you expect to legitimately ask for equal rights and treatment in workplace after supporting some dumb shit like “I won’t hire a white dude for lead role”. You can’t cry foul about limited black actors in hollywood lead roles, then praise a black director for not having white guy as is lead. LOL. Are you people

They have more of their hard earned money to lose, not saying it’s right or wrong, but I hear everyone from all financial backgrounds complain about paying what they pay in taxes. The average median family claiming 3 kids and MAKING money on tax returns isn’t going to complain about shit. The rich individual who

Wow you must have never experienced a great engine then. That thing is lack luster and heavily prone to oil consumption and timing problems. Have a look throughout the Hyundai/Kia forums with that engine. Two friends had that engine in their cars, and Equus and a 5.0R spec Genesis sedan and both had oil problems from

What are you on about? The guy regularly drives all his cars in his collection and is always happy to chat with enthusiasts at cars and coffee events in and around LA. He’s also a pretty good driver, on and off the track. Your opinion is based of the cliche rich guy who only buys cars for showing off, is inaccurate

They still puke on everything they touch.  

Function over form for racing, fuck head.  

RUf, just the way your mother likes it.  

You do realize that these big Korean V8 is trash and unreliable right?   A comparable S class would be more maintenance sure, because it has a lot more features that were first of it’s kind to market and innovative.  The Huyndai has what an S class had 20 years ago..   There is a reason the Germans are at the

Yeah that garbage V8 is an oil drinking machine, and with 215K miles, it’s already near death probably.  No thanks.  

I understand hating Star-Lord the character bc his stupidity allowed Thanos to do what he did, but why does everyone hate Chris Pratt?  I thought he was everyone’s favorite funny guy actor?  

Also not true about the haldex being weak, it’s show to handle more than 500WHP with big turbo set ups on Golf R/S3s with no modifications aside from and updated TCU tune, the RS3 has essentially the same haldex with upgraded clutch packs from the factory that has already shown to handle over 700HP on RS3s that are

How many people buy an STI and have the money to do those full builds? Maybe a very small niche inside of an already very small niche. I’m talking about the casual average enthusiast who wants to buy the car and do the usual bolt on mods and tune, there is absolutely no comparing the WRX or STI to Golf R. They make

Gaurunteed the shady fucking Chicago PD pulled some bullshit, Smollett’s attorney’s got wind of it and took it straight to the DA and stomped it in his face.  He backed down and now CPD is left holding their corrupt nuts.  FUCK EM.