
Dude is ugly as fuck, i understand why he was so angry.  He should have just killed himself like every other delusional loser filled with self hatred.  RIP 49 souls.  

The sad part is they all know it deep down inside, but don’t fucking care one bit as long as white man is in oval office.  

LOL, 9/10 I would bet if this was an islamic terrorist killing 49 white people, the cops unload their weapons on that car.  

One of the most poorly written articles I’ve read on this site. Jesus, are you in 5th grade?

I yearn to be at your intellect one day!

Lmao looks like a less gay lifter prius.  

You’re dumb.  You’re really, really fucking dumb.  

Probably overheated.  POS.  

What a completely stupid and pointless badging system.  No old fuck buying POS caddys is going to care about how much NM TQ his shit box makes.  

Something doesn’t add up, 6'2" isn’t THAT tall, I’m 6'4" and fit into all the vehicles this guy listed he doesn’t fit in. How fucking fat is he? LOL.

Exactly, came here to post this picture. It’s just going to look like a base model electric panamera sedan.

No it doesn’t, it looks like a base model panamera with some more lines.  

Half the planet that still leaves half the chinks in the world left over to make shit.  That’s still like 1 billion chinks.  Like child labor for these costumes.

Tony build a fucking arc reactor core in a god damn cave full off allahu akbar durkas, he could easily find another ship on Titan and use his magic touches to get it up and running to fly back to earth. 

Ah yes the universe’s mighty and most powerful heroes weren’t able to stop Thanos, so some pasty white bitch and a dude with a fucking bow and arrows surely will be able to!

They can’t keep babying Ben, the Ravens treated Flacco the right way drafted a young replacement and as Flacco’s play sucked over the years and was marginally less worse than Ben’s he’s been sat down.  Both guys won championships for their teams.  It’s time to move on, you don’t trade your best players and keep you

And two time rapist who nobody aside from inbred Steelers fans will ever respect.  

Lmao just fuckin with ya.  

It would do nothing, except you’d have a great time wasting fuel and making those pilots shit their pants.

Give me $1.5 Million, and I’ll give it a forever happy home.