
How can a remake be “too long”?

Remaking a very popular game: 70 euros. Remaking it into 3 parts, full of filler: 3x70 euros. Is my math off?

I don’t think anyone ever looks at the amount of words/pages in a novel as ‘content’, it’s such a weird way to describe something like that.

That it is a video game does not make it above concerns such as pacing and tone. More content and things to do is not a universally better thing. Video games are not solely interaction machines, those interactions can and should have some sort of meeting.

Yeah, sure, they expanded Midgar, and it is a good setting, but

I don’t think you can just offhandedly define videogames as a thing like that, at least not if you want to be taken seriously. It’s pointlessly and incorrectly reductive. Video games are a medium and an art form just like any other, and they can be designed for any number of playstyles or reactions they’d like to draw

Not if it's not optional/skippable.

There really weren’t that many side quests/mini games in OG, honestly
Chocobo breeding — was just farming the racing game to get best stats before farming some nuts for the right chance, and then save scumming the result.
Gold Saucer — a bunch single button push minigames that lasted 5 seconds, except for the mini

Sounds like it suffers from the problem that the first part of the remake had where it went “Hey, remember that single model of a mecha hand in the rubble on your way between two screens? What if that was the central focus of an entire 45 minute dungeon sequence, and you have to interact with it repeatedly”



Holy shit, you guys. There is absolutely nothing about the information that you’re trying to communicate that is, in any way, enhanced by placing it in slideshow format. This is getting ridiculous.

Did I suggest crunch? Did I suggest grinding down developers to the bone to get a game out a year sooner? No I did not, I am complaining about long development cycles without offering any solutions or much insight into game development. I know games have probably millions of lines of code that have to work together

The problem with that is the longer development goes on, the more people expect from it. Eventually you reach a development time where everyone is disappointed when it finally comes out, even if they won’t admit it.

That is the wrong take. He didn’t say anything close to “the devs should just suck it up and endure crunch”. He said

The OP was advocating to “find a way” to cut down time. Not sure why you choose to assume 18 hour workdays or releasing a game that is a broken mess are the only solutions available.

Modern game development has got to find a way to cut down development times because I’m going to be an old fucking man before Shadow of the Erdtree, Elder Scrolls VI, Metroid Prime 4, and Silksong are released. Shit,  franchises only get about one release per console generation, two if it's being shared with last/next

Man, my PS5 still feels like a newish addition to my console collection. I have no desire for an upgrade. It doesn't even feel like games are pushing it to its limits yet.

People who opposed women voting: it was too orchestrated, it was too coordinated”
People who opposed the CRA: “it was too orchestrated, it was too coordinated”

Yeah but they are all in the same war-criminal gang so that makes sense.

That’s the thing - it was the revelation, not the friendship, that was the issue for her. And the whole non-responsibility thing and throwing others under the bus, don’t we recognise that especially from a certain segment of society the last few years?

She was very unhappy when she was revealed to be best buds with GWB.