Baine Childress

It will work it you HAVE to have something that looks exactly like this, but it connects and disconnects on it's own terms, is laggy with input, and goes to sleep way to quickly (which creates more standby time when you are trying to input something) in my case I'd have to read over some numbers/files before every

That thing is definitely in the top ten biggest pieces of shit I have ever used list.


Join a sports league.

If a store employee every questioned me for wanting to make sure I'm not getting ripped off then I think that's a pretty good reason not to shop at that store....and being escorted out? I think that would warrant a corporate complaint. Especially since most of the big stores have a low price guarantee (as hollow as

"This is not porn"

This made me laugh. A lot.

Did you type this from your Android phone?

With a boat...

I wonder what the track time/speed for this is compared to an actual bobsled run?


Looks like a bird from that angle...

Two things:

I know I could find this by searching, but are they the same blade steel as the Classic series?

It would be cool to put one of these in the style of living room that is at a lower lever than the surrounding rooms....

One of the (what I think) most important aspects of Shun is that you can send the knives back to be sharpened for free for the lifetime of the knife. (as long as it's registered to you) So with getting one of (if not the) best knives available, you are guaranteed a razor sharp blade for life.

Well played sir, well played.

(Lick finger then hold in the air) Psssssssssssss......burn.

How do I get this?