Baine Childress

I just read that....and I did learn something; do not read your "articles" anymore. I wasted five minutes of my life reading about how high you can stick your nose up into the air. I'm not saying that you can't have or are not entitled to an opinion but this is crap, ironically, unlike the actual burritos you

There aren't many billionaires period. And if I were to bet, I'd bet strongly against most of them having a 4.0.

I envy you.

...I will never get that 3:12 of my life back.

Everyone, including the government(s) know that this was COMPLETE overkill; but they wanted to send a message to all of the others doing the same or similar things, and so far it has worked,with several sites either trimming up or shutting down completely.

Don't advertise and don't let average people use.....sounds like a winning plan to me.

Nice story.

I already stated that I don't think they, or anyone else for that matter is above are you trying to to get at something or just argue with me?

More crazy than all of this, is how so many can criticize a firm that has accomplished so much. That's not to say that they are above criticism (Enron thought they were). The ability to keep things under wraps is what builds the hype for the keynotes and the new products. If everyone were to know everything about the


How is this crazy? One of the most successful companies on earth want's to make sure their secret products stay secret. It's not about being qualified for a specific position with credentials it's about proving trust. Would you trust a girl you met last night with your SSN and bank account info? How about if you've

People with mindsets like yours make it easy to understand why America is what it has become.

Again, why would I look for something that I didn't know existed? Same with literally BILLIONS of other users. You are a minority scrutinizing the majority. And yes, that page HAS been pretty easily available, which reinforces the point I made in the first comment.

Of course I would approve of it for rape, I never said that I even disapprove of it in general; I'm actually pro-choice if you'd like to know. And it's funny that so many of you jump the far end of the spectrum. Being realistic, I'd be willing to be a vary large sum of money that the primary users of this product are

Or try this idea on for size, wear a condom...

These are such BS. It's not that I don't think someone is entitled to what they (or the people they employ) thought up, but all of these petty (in nature, not cost) lawsuits make these large corporations look like immature children. How I think it should work would be that whatever side looses the case must cover all

$44 for this? Maybe if it was $15 more people would consider it. You can buy a Leatherman, Gerber, Spyderwrench, Victorinox , and several other multi-tools/knives than can do more, have a proven record, and cost the same or less.

It's evil & illegal for an individual to rape another, it is only illegal for a third party to then dispose of the said individual.

Wow, do you have to be an asshole about it?

What a great video. Hiking through Yosemite, specifically Half Dome was one of the coolest, most beautiful things I have ever taken part in. Thanks for this.