
No, his voice is not what it was when he was 25 but the performance itself has gotten better. And his band is tight.

I've not heard him express this opinion. Is there some interview where he says this? I'd be interested to read.

I love Wings. They were popular to make fun of, but there are a whole lot of great tracks from that band.

If you listen to "Temporary Secretary" backwards you'll get your answer.

I've seen his live show 5 times. Each time, the performance has somehow gotten better. He has nothing to prove, but I firmly believe that his constant touring keeps him young. Long live Sir Paul.

Disappointed to know that Gavin Newsom was married to this person who, I agree, sounds horrible. I am re-thinking my opinion of him.

My gross out, physically ill example was much tamer in retrospect: I got totally nauseas at the violence in "Gangs of New York."

Jessica Williams was still on the show for almost a year after Trevor took over, she didn't leave when he was announced.

Oh please.

I'm not sure why this reunion needed to happen but I'm so happy it did. That photo above just makes me smile.

I loved it as a kid and like it just fine now. It definitely still has its moments.

It's not Springsteen, it's Bruce Hornsby which makes it that much funnier.

One thing I wish I'd understood many years ago when I was a film studies major was that a larger emphasis on the business side was required. It takes a while to learn otherwise. I hope your program is better than mine was.

I'm sorry.

"Night at the Museum 3" was last filmed, but "Boulevard" was last released.

No love for "World's Greatest Dad?"

I used to serve/bartend at Chilis and Houlihans while I was in college. Saw some gross crap. But a friend of mine had worked at an Olive Garden (not your location.) She saw one of the servers get annoyed at a table that kept requesting bottomless breadsticks to the point where he took their next round of breadsticks

"while Danny Amendola—whose absence was highlighted when Trump asked him to step forward and raise a hand, only to be met by awkward silence—said he had a funeral to attend."


The first time I ever heard that word seriously used was when I lived in the UK and two guys were fighting and yelling that at each other.