
Jimmy's a "fun guy" not a "funny guy" and certainly not a "smart, incisive, and satiric surgical strike guy."

Huckabee, you ignorant slut.

She and Ivanka have at least in common the lingering sense that both love their daddies just a little too much and are desperate for their approval, soul-selling be damned.

Lonergan….jesus man, let it go.

They haven't actually done anything that helps. Still waiting. TBD.

Oh man, kind of unnecessarily harsh on Hugh Grant, wouldn't you say?

I'm more of a Tigger fan.

I got my "Ducktorette" degree from Disney University. I've seriously got to play that up more.

In Russia you not fake news, In Russia news fake you.

Right. Because there's no in-between whatsoever.

I've never been more disappointed in Maher. He just fucking rolled over.

I mean, if the Whoppers and chicken fries alone don't get you hot and bothered, clearly there is something wrong with you.

Thank you. I, too, am very confused about when (or why) we started shitting on Fleet Foxes and when (or why) we would have stopped.

That was a nice plug for mindless, middle of the road, bland entertainment. Thanks, I guess.

Theoretically. It sure didn't show up in the vote, though.

I thought Drew Carey was always kind of a conservative guy? Clearly his son is rolling the other way—-or young Conner was actually referring to Obama in his "screw the president" sentiment?

Biden Worries Legalized Weed Will Cut Into His Business.

Was anyone not specifically trained in media very good on television in those days? Not really.

Mostly concentrates on the beautiful wide scenics and less on the really elaborate camera angles or well choreographed scene.

You're truly out of ideas, aren't you? Repeating yourself is never a good sign.