
There are actual real live good rock n’ roll bands in existence today. The Struts are not one of them.

I got fired like two weeks later.


Holy shit. They have actually managed to assemble the worst possible television program.

Sure thing Tom...

You do not “hit” a hole-in-one. You “make” a hole in one. You do not “hit” a birdie. You “make” a birdie. You people are awful.

I suffered from extreme swelling when I had my wisdom teeth removed my freshmen year of college. I was showering one afternoon after the swelling had gone most of the way down, and when I looked in the mirror I was horrified by a giant rotten green spot covering most of my chest from shoulder to shoulder. I

As an alcoholic in recovery, “take a sip, it won’t renew addiction” is an offensively stupid bit in this column.

Dammit. I’m really going to miss the old written version of the funbag.... What will I read on the pooper??

My money is on the rumor involving waterworks- hence the yellow hued featured image.

Right. And it’s a story because this particular adult man did a stint in rehab recently.

+3 way

Moles are disgusting.

I read just fine. You said this:

So dumb. +1

Sorry, everyone. Hold whatever you’re doing so we can all collectively accommodate Mr. or Ms. FliesAlotForWork.

I can’t believe I allowed myself to get hooked by such an obvious troll job from a WaPo columnist. Dammit, I know better than to let nonsense like this bother me but I still want to scream in her stupid face.

Holy Shit. +1