Edmund Gayton
Now playing

“Some people just expect better as should you.” is quite an empty statement considering this can be said to anything at any stage.

Had Gamefreak made the perfect game by your standards, someone could still want more. Would that somehow make your opinions worthless? “Andrew is okay with this game, but since Thomas

you are SO wrong, put that game down and start getting salty right now!

I’m enjoying it. Am I wrong too?

No, a bunch of Gen 1 Pokemon are completely missing from the code of these games. Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoran, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Paras, Venonat, Psyduck, Mankey, Poliwag, Abra, Bellsprout, Tentacool, Geodude, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Doduo, Seel, Grimer, Drowzee, Seel, Voltorb, Exeggcute,

I’m so tired of nerds being mad about Pokemon when within 1 hour of playing the game you can tell you’re going to have an absolute blast regardless.

plot twist: the new game has all the old pokemon in it so people will stop complaining lmao

I’ve been enjoying the game so far, and I’ve been playing since red and blue so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Wait, you subscribe and STILL pay for the games?

And God help you if Stadia ever shuts down.

“The model and animations were imported from Pokémon: Let’s Go,”

Ugh, reused models!? F-ing lazy Developers Modders.

I love paying 70+ dollars (plus a monthly fee) to have the privilege of paying full price for year-old games that will—AT BEST—have mild amounts of noticeable input latency.

Game Freak Set that port? i thought it was just the normal one that Nintendo/Switch uses for all local wireless, something that this is probably the biggest game to make significant (if any) use of.

And you know all smart TVs have an EOL date where they will no longer be updated and issues like this will never be fixed.  It’s really too bad you can’t buy high end dumb TVs anymore.  My TV from 2009 still works and I have several CRTs from the 90s that still work.

This is Roku’s fault, though.

SURPRISE it’s a marketing gimmick and this is an ARG that eventually unlocks the newest Porygon evolution.

No, this is Roku fucking up their network traffic prioritization and crashing, this isn’t SwSh’s fault.

One of ours crashes constantly, and the other one loses the internet connection so often that we’re back to using the PS4 for streaming.

This one’s actually on Roku. The failure state for unexpected network traffic shouldn’t be to do whatever their devices are doing.

Seriously. I would trade all the smart functionality of my TV for an extra HDMI port.

Smart TVs were a mistake... 😑

There are two problems with Stadia.