Edmund Gayton

Helping Hand is a Pokemon move 

Helping Hand is a Pokemon move 

There's a move Pokemon can use called Helping Hand

Grookey is clearly the chillest and therefore the best option for anyone who doesn’t want to deal with hyperactivity and 90's cereal mascot vibe of Scorbunny or Sobble and its sad sack, woe is me act it is pulling for sympathy. It’s a cheap manipulation tactic, and I am not falling for it.

Note that the bug is in the Horizon operating system, not Pokemon Sword/Shield itself.  While the initial crash could be Sword/Shield’s fault, it’s still the operating system’s responsibility to not corrupt filesystems regardless of what applications like games do.  Not only that, the SDMMC driver and exFAT filesystem

God, this game is turning into such a shit show. I’m glad I only bought 2 copies. 

Yeah when i played the demo/beta, I remember the flying being fun. It got me excited. It game me hopes for a good Iron Man game. I hope thye can look at what works and build something solid out of it

FF14's reboot was exceptional though, not just because of how well it paid off in the long run but because of the massive steps they actually took to fix it, far beyond what i’ve ever seen a developer do in any other situation. They must have felt genuinely ashamed at the management level even to take such drastic

I think the thing people aren’t taking into consideration here when it comes to asking “how could Anthem possibly turn around now?” is that there’s some genuinely very cool ideas in the game that are currently buried in a bunch of missteps. The actual flying is phenomenal, the game itself is beautiful (which makes the

I am always in favor of another comeback story and games have shown they are entirely capable of being reborn. There are things that are worth saving in here, and if Anthem can be salvaged I hope they manage it!

No game is beyond saving. I still have egg on my face for saying that Final Fantasy XIV was beyond saving after its rocky launch, predicted it would go free-to-play, and then slowly fade into indifference and shame as Square Enix moved on.

What an absolutely garbage subculture these goblins have developed.

No, because I’m an adult and $60 for what is being warmly received - explicitly recalling experiences similar to Red/Blue -and reported as a minimum 40 hour game (not including meta) seems like a solid deal.

I know you meant this sarcastically, but it did make me more likely to buy the game.

is it difficult being this boring of a person

For the first time in my adult life, I was seriously thinking about strategy in a Pokémon game, and I had a blast doing it.

Thank you for the review Gita! The last few days, my excitement for Pokemon Sword/Shield has been tempered because of the Dexit controversy and some other critiques that the game is too easy, boring, linear, etc.

Here’s some logo ideas for the new G/O news platform.

I loved Splinter / Deadspin because...

Splinter was good. Gawker was good. Deadspin was good, when it wasn’t sticking to sports.