Edmund Gayton

....but RE2 remake is the whole game. That’s why no one is complaining.

People would absolutely complain if Capcom released Re2 Remake--Part 1.

60 dollar appetizer sounds about right.....

Do I want to play this game? From everything it sounds, hell yes. Nostalgic beats w/ modern gameplay

but asking the fans most likely to pay 60 bucks for 1/20th of a game is just a big no no, especially when you consider that the most likely fanbase to play this knows just how

Wow, it’s so unlike google to develop something neat and then immediately let it die from neglect.

The berniebro thing is just silly and reductive. The voter data doesn’t support it and it should be mocked.

I’ve decided that today is love day. Any hate on Sanders won’t be met with arguments and debate, but just a statement of love for that person. So rage on Sanders haters, today all you get is love from me.

IT’s ok, let them hate today. We focus on love and solidarity, that’s what will win this time.

No denial that there are ‘berniebros’ but the vast vast majority of Sanders supporters are not the ones that are responsible for that. Remember that there are trolls, paid and otherwise, who live to try to divide and incite hate between us just like there were in 2016.

Don’t feed the troll.

Say what you will about Biden, I’ve never had a Joe supporter try to threaten or dox me.

Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.

“It’s unclear!” they all cry, ignoring the part about them being able to ban you for off stream and social media incidents that could include harassing or using rhetoric that is against protected groups.

For the record, that argument is bullshit. There are frequent tweets and retweets in his feed criticizing government spend on protection of abused women and spreading the usual alt-right drivel about the left ¨only being feminist until the islamists step in” and bullshit like that.

Oh ffs, even here I can’t get away from this bullshit “GDQ is full of *drama*” narrative?

Eh, if it was just the “deminonbinary” stuff maybe it could be seen as typical eye-rolling tumblr levels at attempts to self-identify but with the other stuff it definitely has the smell of “making shit up to laugh at them”.

Guy goes to private function, private function decides they don’t want him based on past behaviour, they revoke his right to attend.

Noooo Gita, I’m gonna miss you. You’re my fave! Hoping you appear on Polygon or something soon...

shut da fuck up

Debates about video game cosmetics is at least as old as hats (TF2) or other costumes (for me, first exemplified in the Soul Calibur games).

You can’t believe it because you’re privileged enough not to have to deal with the actual issues that the people who are made to wear these sorts of uniforms in real life have to deal with, and you’re also not empathetic enough to understand the perspective of another fellow human being, and how such a thing might

Yeah probably not the best idea to put the only Asian woman in a school girl outfit. This is more lazy than anything else.