Not gonna lie, it just sounds like an expansion pack
Not gonna lie, it just sounds like an expansion pack
So everything in Overwatch 2 could be in Overwatch 1, it will even receive the improved graphics and models...
She’s following the same trajectory as Garrosh, just with a longer arc.
So, they’re sentient cats.
But once you recognize the secret reason for her being withheld, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds
Your first three sentences were great.
The rest was nonsense
So, uh... jump the next black woman up the line?
There may be great story reasons to keep Soujurn out of it until now. However, there are exactly zero story reasons that Soujurn needed to be their first black woman. I'd love to hear them answer the why of that point honestly.
That sounds like a load of fucking bullshit if I ever heard it.
She’s Egyptian, which is considered Middle Eastern, not black.
And to all the alt right gamergaters in the comments: no, just because Pharah has dark skin and is from Egypt does NOT mean she is African. Educate yourselves.
+1 bikini sniper
He then went on to say “Once you recognize the secret reason for her late arrival, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds”...
I call bullshit. There are too many characters that could have been Black women and it wouldn’t have effected their story or the overall story.
So basically “You will be ashamed of your words and deeds.”
As a storyteller, to say that you’ve “had” to save your black woman for a story is a bit weird, because you’re the writers, and you write the story, and there is nothing you have or don’t have to do. You could have altered the story (most of the story isn’t even in the game proper). You could have changed the…
No. There aren’t.
Once upon a time, Blizzard thought of a great way to generate some extra press coverage for the upcoming sequel to their successful game. The end.
Translation: “There aren’t”