Edmund Gayton

Here’s the thing... This is ALSO Blizzard.

So this is, on the surface, a reasonable take. Blizzard, like any other company or person, has a right to decide what’s allowed on their platform, and an interest in making sure that the speech allowed there is, at the least, not going to reflect negatively on them.


Well, the Chinese have an issue with homosexuality, soooo....

Still not single gay character in WoW.

At this point, the only people happy are in the Chinese government. Well, there are the few idiots who care more about Videa Gaemz than human rights. But I like to hope that they’re just a vocal minority who try to hijack threads.

Speaking of hijacking:
#SplinterForever #DeadspinForever

...say, you’ve had a stressful day and can’t read your favorite sports blog because it’s been destroyed from the inside out.

i said don’t think about it too hard!!!!!

Ages ago, I baked out my room and spent the entire night playing the wood chopping mini-game from fable 2.

I always assumed that flying type is weak to rock because they have hollow bones, and heavy rocks will make them come crashing down to the ground. Electric type because lighting is even more dangerous if you’re up high, or something. Honestly at first I thought that you were wrong but now I realize my justifications

I live in a busy part of Los Angeles, pay for faster than normal internet, and still get hit with periods of time where my internet is either laggy or dropping every few minutes (mostly weeknights). I appreciate this new “run into other random people online” feature, but I would also appreciate the option to not need

Yes, we are. Single player should *not* require an internet connection.

And I suppose it’s once again going to require a constant internet connection even for single player?

Have they confirmed that, like Diablo 3, the classes are not gender-locked?

“that Diablo III was too cartoony”

Gee, I’m so sorry. It’s crazy that people like me care to point out silly things like companies participating in the suppression of dissent against an authoritarian government during a massive crackdown on millions of people wanting nothing more than democracy and personal freedom.

As Kotaku noted, Blizzard gave a dodgy apology to open Blizzcon. They also, notably, did not revoke Blitzchung’s 6 month suspension.

Nice to see people openly protesting tyrannical overloads who are valuing dollars over quality talent.  Seems to be a bit of that going around recently.

I said this elsewhere, but just to emphasize, the single most important action Blizzard must do to address the issue is to revoke the remaining 6 month suspension of Blitzchung for speaking out on human rights abuses in Hong Kong.

Notably, Blitzchung’s 6 month suspension still stands.