Edmund Gayton

I have a strong suspicion those actions are “release Diablo IV and hope you all shut up about this”.

A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.

Call me cynical, but doing this only at the beginning of Blizzcon just seems like they are trying to stave off any talk of it so that it won’t overshadow their announcements. I desperately hope people still flood the Q&As and whatnot.

Others have already posted it, but I think it deserves another share.

“No retreat, no surrender!”

He did actually say ‘I’m sorry’, which makes it more of an apology than most, but you can ‘accept accountability’ all you want - we see other C-level execs say those empty words too.

Translation: this affected our sales and stock price.

1. Glad to see Jason still works here.

“A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.”
Literal spit-take. I’ll send you the bill for a new keyboard since this one got coffee on it.

>A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.

it wasn’t a “tough hearthstone esports moment”, it was a political nightmare. Based on the quote in the article here (don’t know if there was more to the apology left unquoted), it doesn’t even sound like he’s addressing what it was actually about.

It’s nice that they’re encouraging feedback from consumers, rather than going the other route and removing the ability to provide feedback at all.

I think Boris is too ineffective a leader to make a good target for a protest song. Thatcher was actually a competent enough PM to successfully enact policies which harmed the working class and inspired artistic revolt. Boris is just a bumbling clown who is too shitty at his job to even accomplish his own bad plans.

definitely try it!! i have a lot of fun making them. ty!

“I had to include at least one song about hating Margaret Thatcher” - Bands need to start doing this again. Imagine the bangers we could have about Boris! 

Articles like this are why you’re one of my favorite writers on Kotaku, Gita. I love ideas like this! Definitely going to do this in the future for myself.

The long and short of it is: when someone with a huge IP dies, all the vultures come to circle the carcass. No one in these lawsuits is ‘good’ or ‘correct’, it’s just hungry people scraping whatever they can from what’s left.

Reactionary Gamers: “Get your politics out of my video games!”

You don’t need to support China or Blizzard to recognize that these Reactionaries are NOT allies in this and should be disregarded. Not only are they disnigenuous with their intentions, we know these Cons don’t *actually* believe the free speech thing themselves because of their support over our NFL players being

Good catch! Switching out.