Edmund Gayton

These 2 comments right after each other, lol. This fuckin doesn’t care about corporate behavior or anything beyond the games, they’ve already moved on in their mind

These 2 comments right after each other, lol. It’s good to see you don’t care about corporate behavior or anything other than the games.

Never under estimate gamers abilities to completely move on from their rage the minute a game company dangles a new shiny in front of their face.

Ugh. How disheartening. Say what you will about Kotaku but the staff has proven time and time again that they genuinely care about their readers and the feedback they receive. I really respected seeing that article. Not surprised by this outcome.

Capitalism is the belief that we should have a ruling class, and what qualifies people to be part of the ruling class is how effectively they can hoard wealth.

Man, you guys got censored pretty hard

Turns out, capitalism was the true unspeakable horror the whole time. 

Me when G/O management keeps fucking up everything I love about Gawker Media’s sites.

It’s not that they haven’t forgotten it’s just that they stopped caring.

man I forgot about the layoffs, I really hope people haven’t already forgotten Blitzchung either :/

If this drowns out the clusterfuck year Activision-Blizzard has had I will be more disgusted than I already am. Seriously, fuck Activision’s executives

Luckily, Outer Worlds just released.

May I introduce you to Outer Worlds as a nice stop gap

Just play The Outer Worlds, it’s better anyway.

People finding nude bodies sexual != nude bodies are inherently sexual.

You can also make your point without the unnecessary shot at the commentor’s dick. Or without reinforcing the tired stereotype that having a “small” dick is somehow belittling or a sign of misogyny / projection / whatever.

I know this is a goof response, but you really have to understand that jokes like this equate the entirety of a woman’s body as being equally “sexually explicit,” as male genitalia. You’re basically reinforcing the idea that dicks are inherently offensive, while also saying that every part of a naked woman is

There is a BIG (or, in your case, small) difference between painting your naked penis and a woman wearing applications that cover her breasts in the same way that a bikini would cover her chest, sans strings.

Is he wearing a speedo and has painted the speedo? If yes then he’s good. If not, then what you are actually comparing would be him painting his dong and a woman painting her labia, not a woman painting her shoulders and chest.

Nobody seems to care about the fact that there are men out there that are being manipulated by these women.