Well, it’s not a profession to begin with. QA testing video games is equivalent in pay and benefits to being the guy at the drive-thru window at burger king.
Well, it’s not a profession to begin with. QA testing video games is equivalent in pay and benefits to being the guy at the drive-thru window at burger king.
Cool, then I’m sure you can say what was damaged in their marketing? Were they unable to deliver any deliverables on that front? Did they lose any sort of featuring or ad space because of these actions?
That NDA’s even exist is kind of inherently awful. People should not be okay with so many crooked aspects of Capitalism seeping into every crevice of... everything, really. Especially law.
“I am completely fine with [the perpetual taste of boot in my mouth].”
Except aren’t most NDAs bullshit? Not saying this one was, it makes sense if he did, but on the other hand, the only thing it hurt was their marketing plan. It didn’t actually “hurt” the game or community.
Oh my god Life in Aggro killed me with that one, both in laughter tears and sadness tears.
There’s no such thing as a game that is “too political.”
Big tip: if you think a Ubisoft game is “too political” then you ain’t going to like this brilliant satire of laissez-faire capitalism.
Dammit Jason you can’t keep delaying games when there’s a slow news week! It’s just not fair.
They brought Jason in from paternity leave just so he could delay a game again? Wow.
That actually wouldn’t change anything. The issue isn’t whether they rotoscoped him or not, but rather that he choreographed most of the dance they used and Japanese copyright history includes successful lawsuits over the use of choreography. As recent as last year, a case involving hula choreography found in favor of…
Wrong, this constitutes a choreographed dance. You can’t copyright an individual move but you CAN a choreographed routine and that’s what they did here. They lifted it almost entirely whole sale and this can go for a substantial amount of money in some courts.
That’s what dancing is.
They better had fucking paid him before this because yeah, this is bad press if not.
Han Solidarity
How does that ruin the game? I’m genuinely curious.
Heck yeah, I’m truly heartened to know the game deals with labor and class so openly. So many games limit their critiques of capitalism to “big corporation EVIL” and leave it at that. I get your frustration with the way it ignores racism & sexism, but I also kinda thing maybe it’s for the best that they limited their…
I get to be a gun-slinging space Socialist?