Edmund Gayton

indicating his support for the pro-Democracy protests in Hong Kong. (Protesters in Hong Kong wear masks to obscure their identity from government surveillance and stay safe from tear gas.)

Edelgard is a morally complex character. She’s fighting a group that has maintained effective control over her home and the world around it, for their own purposes, through morally indefensible means. She also has the courage to actively call down the Crest caste system, which is arguably worse even than the already

Oh man Awkward Zombie was so good

What a little weakling. Makes a big production of interacting with one woman on Twitch and leaves the one who criticized him out to soak up the slime that his fan base excretes.

There can only be one Mike Pence.

You know, when news of this first broke someone on here mentioned that we should all write our representatives, and I said that would do nothing since no laws were broken.  Apparently I was incredibly in the wrong there.  So, my bad.

ESPECIALLY when you get both parties to actually agree on something. 

Who knew the key to reaching across the aisle was Hearthstone?

LMAO You know you fucked up when Congress actually does something about it.

Gaga is pretty open about her love for video games, particularly Bayonetta.

I don’t think anyone’s making fun of her here

Mike Pence should play Fortnite with him sometime, if Mother will set up the playdate.

I use search engines prolifically and I still can’t answer the questions of who or what “Fortnite” and or “Ninja” is.

I actually had no idea that ninja refuses to stream with women. That’s an odd stands to take. It’s either that he thinks all women are so into him that they can’t help themselves, or he’s into every woman so much that he can’t help himself. Neither one is a great look.

Bayonetta and Fortnite are on pretty opposing ends of the spectrum as far as audience overlap goes. Plus, you can be a fan of games and still not be familiar with popular streamers.

But oddly (or maybe not?), Lady Gaga is a Bayonetta fan.

I’d say interracial dating in America has only been normalized in the last 20 years. So I think most people over 30 can recall when the idea of it wasn’t common, popular or acceptable depending on where you lived.
I grew up in Detriot and interracial dating would still get some surprised looks back in the 90's and that

Is Blizzard completely unaware of the Streisand Effect or something, or do they just enjoy digging their grave?

I'm so glad Game Freak is paying attention to Gen 1 Pokemon. They are so underused and never advertised at all. Especially Pikachu and Charizard. Those two have not had any focus at all in 20 years. Hopefully we can continue to get regional variants and new forms for Gen 1 and only Gen 1 for the next decade.

large boy pikachu is basically his old chunky ass design from Red/Blue/Green