Edmund Gayton

Just remember: disallowing political speech is, itself, a form of political speech.

There is a problem. Because it’s not about refraining from talking about Hong Kong during their casts and during competitions.

This is straight up a well written, wonderful comment.

They’re shortening it to HKA to avoid saying ‘Hong Kong’. The talk they’re giving is corporate speak to obfuscate the purpose: don’t let folks say Hong Kong, don’t let folks give traction to a movement, don’t let the outside world take notice.

So all that talk for the last few days about how Riot wasn’t asking people to not promote Hong Kong, and how Blizzard wasn’t trying to make it more difficult for people to delete their accounts - we find that, once again, that’s not the case.

She called out Lorenz real good.

Dorothea is the best.  In a game full of many top contenders, Dorothea’s conversations with other teammates were always a delight. 

This is what I always tell people who still defend him. If your knee jerk reaction to someone killing you in a game is to call them a “fucking n*****”, that means that you use that as an insult a lot in your daily life. It’s not something that randomly slips out unless it’s something you say all the time, it’s just

Yeah this is the nazi version of “even left wing people buy shoes” except in this case, he wants to claim to be neutral while not being neutral at all just so he can keep being a right wing shit bird.

“My job is just: I go to my office; I record a video in front of a camera,”

He could easily pull a Kurt Cobain-type spiel to his fans, but likes to keep playing dumb and helpless for “some reason.” When I bought Incesticide back in the day and read the last couple paragraphs of the liner notes, it forever sealed my love and respect for the man. This is how you fucking do it:

Blame the media - check

And most importantly, these other creators don’t go recommending pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic content creators to their followers... which can’t be said about Pewdiepie.

He can give bullshit excuses all he wants, it doesn’t matter. The subreddit dedicated to him is full of dogwhistles to hate and bigotry and racism, because those are his most loyal fans. That’s how a white supremacist mass shooter ends up giving him a shoutout. Maybe he didn’t go out of his way to become a popular

I mean... he was very open about being right-wing in some of his earlier videos so I don’t know what he’s trying to say here? He’s just trying to distance himself because he doesn’t want to get any hate? If he really didn’t believe what people think he believes he needs to be very clear about that, otherwise just shut

Generally, complaining about “being dragged into politics” is rich and influential speak for “I don’t want to be pulled out of the comfort of my cushy and limited worldview.”

Man, thank you for giving her work some shine right now. She’s an awesome dev.

of course these people lose their GD mind if you have a spell that says “shuffle you graveyard into your library” My wife plays online and that’s usually the point when someone with mill deck up and quits. They don’t have much of a counter strategy.

You are exactly the person I was imagining when I wrote this post.

This isn’t milking it, this is Journalism, I personally can’t wait for the shit show at Blizzcon and I hope Kotaku reports on it.