Edmund Gayton

You came in and murdered the REAL Americans

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It’s painful but I am not interested in letting these people hide just so I can pretend they don’t exist.

It seems like we’re entering sort of a golden age of transparency and dissemination of a lot of the seedy shit that’s been going on behind the scenes forever, which I think is a great thing. The next step is actually holding some of these fuckers accountable.

On top of all the other horrors the Trump presidency has unleashed upon this country, I have to read comments where a war criminal like Dubya is called, simply, ‘gross.’ Or ‘very, very bad.’

So you really don’t value the lives of innocents at all.

Screw that. You are proposing we allow Trump to normalize 20 years of horrible BS.

Imperiling the constitutional fabric of a republic that could place people like Bush in charge is the positive outcome of the Trump presidency, you fucking simpleton.

No, no, a fucking thousand times no. This is exactly how we end up whitewashing the past and letting people who committed horrible crimes get away with it just because someone else is being even shittier. The most damaging possible outcome of the Trump administration would be normalizing the Bush administration.

Trump couldn’t have happened without the horrors of Bush’s two terms. Bush is not just responsible for the needless deaths of thousands, the ongoing instability in the Middle East, a decade of inaction toward climate change and income inequality and cratering our economy, he also enabled the rise of the Tea Party, the

“A woman named Margie Schoedinger accused former President George W. Bush of raping her in October 2000, filing a lawsuit two years later against Bush for “race based harassment and individual sex crimes committed against her and her husband,” according to a local Texas paper.” Schoedinger reportedly died of a

Homeboy was put in place by the supreme Court, completely bypassing actual Democratic process. He for sure imperiled the constitutional fabric. 

The gap IS vast. Bush had a much more functional cabinet and administration and was far superior at pushing his horrible agenda through. He accomplished more ghoulish shit than Trump could dream about, he just had the decency to say, "maybe some Muslims are okay."

oh heavens we mustn’t imperil the constitutional fabric of the republic my word!!!

“Things were normal under Bush”

Things like the Patriot Act and invading Iraq are fucking normal for you? Fuck you, you’re a stupid piece of shit.

You are such a colossal fucking idiot to downplay the horrors of Bush.   He is a modern day Hitler you fucking idiot.   Do you even know what the Iraq War is you colossal fucking dumbass?  

Yr shitty slaveholder protection document and yr precious precious norms aren’t actually worth more than millions of innocent Iraqis, to say nothing of all the ways Bush paved the way for Trump. Bad take, give it up.

Bush has killed so many more people than Trump.   You are a deranged fucking idiot.   Read a history book sometime you stupid fuck.  

He created a series of secret, unaccountable prisons, and held American citizens in them. He created a worldwidesystem of torture and assasination.  He started a war without congresses approval. He started a program to have literally anyone - UPS, meter readers, ANYONE with access to your home spy on you and snitch to

This is an extremely bad and dumb and wrong take. Bush is absolutely worse than Trump, he just wasn’t as much of an ostentatious, out-and-out asshole about it. GTFOH with this nonsense.  If you’d “happily” take Bush over Trump, then you were never paying any attention. 

G-Dub is a war criminal. Fuck anyone who gives him a pass.