Edmund Gayton

*Jason will remember this.*

I dunno, guys, Jason doesn’t quite seem sold on this one.

Does the slime grow to love you, just to twist the dagger a bit harder?

You think you overly angry dudes who are afraid of women are ‘the general public’?  ‘The general public’ has no idea this game even exists.

Yeah, we should all have the rights to use slurs and prejoratives against anyone we feel without any form of blacklash or accusations of being misogynistic, homophobic, racist, or anything of the sort! It definitely doesn’t dehumanize people or hurt communities, because it’s just a joke! And as we all know, jokes are

Reacting to an offense is not a choice, it’s a reaction. It is reflexive. How the reaction happens is a choice, but the emotional response of offense is uncontrollable. It is a reflex action. The only assured way not to trigger that reaction is the use of basic empathy to determine if certain statements or behaviors

Oh, fuck off.

(No offense, obvs.)

“the general public.”

You are not the kind of person Mister Rogers knew you could be.

Did you get picked, sis

Free speech means you have the right to say it.

Okay as someone who is actually gay, it’s going to take a *lot* more than an shampoo bottle to offend me.

There are no “SJWs” in the general public, playing video games? That’s news to me.

Thanks for your opinion, homophobe.

Lmao you sweet summer-ass child

We weren’t going to buy it? I had purchased it. It was installed on my Steam account, and I’d played a bit of it. I requested a refund as soon as this controversy started.

...well, that's just silly.

Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?