Edmund Gayton

I see Double XP knows what the best Final Fantasy game is!

You’re underestimating the folks who bought and destroyed coffee makers to “trigger the libs”. At least with this they’ll have a stupid, non-functional board game that sits in their house warning guests about the quality of their hosts, like a copy of “Atlas Shrugged”

Other bootlickers.

Does anyone listen to The Dollop podcast?  They had a really interesting episode recently about the origins of Monopoly and how it was actually created by a socialist to play off of the inherent dangers of capitalism. 

This is a win-win plan.

It’s fine that you are “irked” by people taking their health for granted. It is not fine for your irkiness to have any influence over what those people can and cannot do whatsoever.

Yes, obviously, in a vacuum, “mutilating a perfectly healthy body while you have depression and other big issues” is bad. 

Transgenderism is on exactly the same pedestal as cisgenderism. Just lower rate of happenstance and massive social opprobium heaped onto it.

I recommend checking out Contra Points on YouTube, if you genuinely want a greater understanding of what it means to be trans. While she does not speak for everyone, or represent the full range of trans experience, she does a great job of presenting various viewpoints.

Gender dysphoria *is* a mental illness, and is typically the cause of the “depression and other big issues.” Transitioning has been shown to be the most effective treatment for GD, and reduces the risk of suicide significantly.

If you’re admittedly ignorant about something, what if you educated yourself instead of asking other people to do the work for you? 

My concern is that sensitivity training is so easy to blow off and not take seriously that this seems like nothing more than a quick band-aid to try and make sure this doesn’t impact sales.

Scenario-wise, it is possible to “wake up and be a better person”, it just requires a collective conscience, acknowledging empathy and compassion, and swallowing of an overvalued pride/ego.

Pretending for a second yout post isn’t full of alt right terminology itself, we live in a world where people call a developer SJW for making a game about killing nazis.

Remember: Being “Anti-SJW” means being a childish asshole without repercussion, because my privilege and ego MATTERS

Exactly this. That’s describes the entire bunch of anti social justice. 

Pretty much this. If you truly didn’t understand it, you could use this thing called google or youtube to look up the purpose behind things such as “Slut Walks”. Anytime someone goes, “I just don’t get why “X” group”.... I get ready for the hard eye roll.

And as a result make garbage art.

Yep, people who say shit like this are NOT trying to “understand ... social justice stuff.” They’re just mad they can’t be fucking awful with impunity anymore.

“Something I don’t really understand about the social justice stuff is that they have stuff like the ‘slut walk,’ which I thought was about the right to not be harassed for how they dress but, then if you portray women dressed the same way you get shit for it,” Terminx wrote in a discussion with other members of the