
Be sure to feed it 12.5* siblings’ worth of pikachus

The daily max is now 50/day.
They quietly updated their support page.

Scratch your partner. Good places for scratching include the back, the butt, and the neck.

Man, that 1% who play this game, right?

Millions of people almost exclusively in high cost of living urban areas with copious free time play it!

I’m waiting for their indignant reply that they’re “actually wondering”

Millions of people who aren’t you play it!

Why are people comparing Dante to Steve Buscemi? He looks way more like Gary Busey in Dante cosplay.

Phoenix Comic Con has a guest list on their site....for science

The real question is how come you guys didn’t kart?

That Flash looks like Stephen Amell...
Now I want a “What If” Oliver Queen was the Flash

Yeah, from the lesser known thriller “Married Without Children”

For me, it will forever be Butz! BUTZ FOREVER!!!

TIL: Ordnance != Ordinance

They don’t have the resources to monitor the entire world. Last I heard, they only had like 80 employees total. In a city by city basis, it’s still very circumstantial. What constitutes odd movement? For example, if you think having your character walk through a building is weird, that’s a normal use case. They can’t

Well, you have a point. My Razor’s based on my personal experiences. There’s more crying wolf in Ottawa because people can’t be bothered to notice someone sitting right in front of them, fighting their gym. Or people sitting in cars beside the gym. Generally, the kneejerk reaction is to call someone a spoofer than the

From what you described, there’s a number of possibilities, so I’m using Occam’s Razor too based on your feedback. They could also have friends who visit and see an easy gym that’s basically 10 free coins. All of which is just as likely as spoofers. Hell, I lost a 3k snorlax for a month until I visited some friends

Heh, all good. Tone is the hardest part to read on the internet. The popularity has been on the uptick since Gen2 came out, so any numbers from before Feb will be questionably useful to trend.

So anyone else who lives there could actually be in that gym too? I’m just saying you’ve got to keep an open mind as to these kinds of things before you start pointing fingers.