Well, I’ve only got 2 gyms right now, so if I spoof, I’m bad at it :P
Well, I’ve only got 2 gyms right now, so if I spoof, I’m bad at it :P
I live in Ottawa, so meeting up for gyms isn’t going to work :)
That’s not proof. I live in Ottawa and my group organized a roadtrip to Toronto to catch pokemon using your local map. They came back with dozens of snorlaxes, lapras and dragonites. They also took at least a dozen gyms between the cities.
The other thing you aren’t considering are lures. Lure spawns don’t appear on…
If you have definitive proof they’re spoofing, send the evidence to Niantic and they’ll do something about it. Otherwise, you’re just namecalling because they’re better than you.
As Niantic intended this to be a social game, have you tried finding other players on your team to band together and take down gyms? Even lv10 gyms with 2500+cp takes less than 10min to take down with 8-9 people. If you’re doing it by yourself, you’re essentially doing it wrong.
Another topic you bring up is people who…
The problem with the question is that it’s rhetorical. Until the day they shut down their servers, yes, people will keep playing. As for the trend data, let me know if you find anything.
Obligatory “are people still asking this?”
They can still be free. Do gyms, get coins, buy incubators.
i need a safe space
Better than having your mom sell your working atari 2600 with 20 games for $5 after you explicitly say you wanted to keep it. My mom sold it basically when I wasn’t looking, and was proud of it. Damn, this article triggers....
A male man....or a mail man??? :O
Sounds like a slow burn raid. Same with mine. I get tons of adds every week or two as well. The raid also had hidden mechanics that weren’t documented well, so it wasn’t easy to prepare for. Pretty much Leeroy’d this sucker :|
Work is an MMO. More realistic than Second Life, but the mechanics aren’t very interesting. You get time-sensitive quests where you’re required to perform specific actions, talk to key characters, collect key items. If you’ve completed your quest within the parameters, you get rewarded with a “Paycheque”. We’re…
Teachers are generally shit at handling conflicts. In my time of being bullied, I was constantly told to ignore them or go somewhere else to avoid them. The worse part is that they’re basically trained to handle situations that way. Makes it hard to respect authority when they give shit advice because they don’t want…
Maybe it’ll taste better deep fried?
I think you could find them equipped on some pokemon when you catch them, but you only find out after you’ve caught them.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I’d rather see the Compete highlights and all the Cosplay articles, but it’s the other way around it seems...
Hmm...seems they don’t have a way to do it anymore...