
Cultural background, eh?
Kanji’s based off of traditional Chinese characters, so......want to revise your statement? :)

Define “real cosplay”

World of Fuzecraft?

That was brilliant. Dirty, but brilliant.

As Robert was fighting on the Trident, Ned Stark had business elsewhere. He and six others, including his best friend Howland Reed, rode to a place called the Tower of Joy...

They’re gonna need a bigger stretch goal...

Silly western prejudices. Grow up in a Chinese food background and see what you’d be eating
#whyisitstillmoving #whatpartdoIeat

He was commenting on the process, not specifically that her routine is the product. He goes on to apologize to every woman he knows for underappreciating their efforts

Reminds me of the Sexy Getting-Ready Song

Oh, the eps that actually aired on TV are PG13'd...
Honestly, I hate when they censor down shows on TV. They’re kinda living a fairy tale if they believe people don’t swear in real life...

And that’s why you’re not an advice columnist

That’s a generalization if I’ve ever heard one...

Alternatively, Thomas the Death Engine or Omega Weapon T

And nevermind the fact that the ult lasts until you flash, autoattack, use a damage ability, get affected by an enemy or get hit by an enemy. Firing snowballs don’t even break the ult. You can run around for so long without having to recast if you can dodge well or hang back.

I find purge-watching a misleading term. I’ve done that with a number of shows, but generally with the intent to judge a series as a whole afterwards instead of based on what could be a few bad episodes.
My best example of this is Stargate Universe. The show dragged its feet for the first season with only a couple of

I used to drink straight vodka too, but I found I’d be done my booze before all my friends. It’s really not bad or weird. Also, if you’re into energy drinks, vodka redbull is pretty delicious.
What I find unorthodox is drinking a vodka & water. I mean, what’s up with that? You’re literally telling someone to water down