That’s what she said.
...the waitress me and my buddies asked when we went there after Pax
It gets better past that. Later on, it has kind of a Gantz vibe to it
I’m more or less up to date with it and waiting for new scanlations, but I generally enjoy it. Mostly after they start heading to the open mall. I can’t really tell if the concept of zombies really exists in their world, but the level of stupidity and docility of the large groups of people threw me off. It seems…
A few points...
Heh, it’s pretty hard to convey tone in the comments, no? :P
Heh, you’re chasing after your own moving goalpost, dude.
1) Dragon Age doesn’t have scalies, therefore isn’t applicable to furrydom except for non-canon fanfiction.
2) The automatic assumption that a dragon has to be anthropomorphic to have sex with a humanoid is just illogical. Ancient Greek myths had plenty of…
I started reading the series after reading this review, and generally I like the story. However, does anyone else notice how dumb, slow and unadaptable the majority of the background characters are? I’m at ch56 now and there’s so many scenes were people get bit by zombies and barely react, like the baby zombie. Or…
Greece, probably...
Yeah, that’s not what I’m confused about. Why would a Qunari ancestor being a dragon automatically qualify it to be anthropomorphic? The dragon could’ve been in human form, genetic manipulation, or simply some form of magic bestiality. There’s nothing that would indicate any form of anthropomorphism.
Mostly, I was…
No, my point was I’m confused why the Qunari origin potentially involving a dragon require it to be a furry of any type
I know what furries are. The leap in logic is pretty big of how Qunari are descended from dragons and having that equate to a furry orgy...
Using unrelated fan art doesn’t really make your point any clearer...
I don’t follow...
Are dragons supposed to be furry for some reason?
Wait, I thought 2 wrongs make a right?
Or he was trying to stab her back to life....
Ah, the ol’ Edward Nygma defense...