Seems there’s none in Canada, or at least listed on the McD Canadian site either. That’d probably be why it’s news to me
Seems there’s none in Canada, or at least listed on the McD Canadian site either. That’d probably be why it’s news to me
I feel so ignorant on baked goods now :/
That last link you posted cleared my confusion up between macaroons and macarons
Yeah, was thinking of macarons.
I had always thought that macaroons were just a variation of macarons.
Didn’t know McD did a macaron...
Oh, heh. Thought it was some snack I missed out on XD
McAron? Never heard of that...what is it?
Or do you mean macaroon?
Seems like they had the designer from Aperture Science
Apparently you’ve seen some weird vaginas....
That worried look on his face at the end....
“Am I going to need a safe word?”
When I’m frustrated at my team and spamming pings, I’ve rarely gotten spam blocked. I’ve also pinged like 10 times in a row before with a small delay in between each ping or a change in target without getting blocked.
I’ve had people bitch me out for pinging because they don’t want to help with whatever too. Hell, I’m…
Like I said, it’s a gradual progression to ping spamming. I can give you examples that cause me to multiping all day, but that’s not fun for either of us :P
In my opinion, the worst thing you can do is not acknowledge it and/or explain why you’re not doing their suggestion. Ignoring your teammates doesn’t exactly…
Spamming pings is generally frown upon. There’s different pings for every reason. If I ping “I need help,” your reaction for single ping of “that’s nice” is kind of salting. Also, pinging enemy heroes should be considered circumstantially (ie, are they almost dead, am I targetting a tank when I should be hitting the…
Oh, I know. I enjoy it, but people turn off sound for various reasons. The last excuse I got was that they found the chats annoying.
You forgot to mention how pinging the map is almost as ineffective as trying to get someone to read chat messages. The main problem is that the ping noises are rather muted and get drowned out by the other sound effects and the ping animation on the minimap itself is rather minimal in terms of grabbing attention. And…
Excuses, excuses :)
But seriously, self esteem sounds like your biggest hurdle.
Self esteem might be part of the reason you’re feeling lazy about hitting the gym or second guessing yourself about your other qualities.
Worrying about your weight is understandable, but there’s women who like guys with a bit of meat too.
You realize he has advice for that kind of thing?
Does anyone know if that’s an original song? It’s definitely not PonPonPon and I can’t find anything when I tried searching up the lyrics.
I....kinda want to hear the whole thing at least once.
Oops, guess someone forgot to put in file validation...