Youtube autoplay showed Gotye - Somebody I Used to Know after this vid...
Well played, internet
Youtube autoplay showed Gotye - Somebody I Used to Know after this vid...
Well played, internet
Can you ask Fahey to do a reading of Zarbon's lines from DBZ???
You forgot Agility
The GameStop guy should’ve told her “sorry, ma’am, I’ve tried all the internets”
I'm glad you agree that he's undervalued. Anyone who takes the time to actually figure out how to use him can destroy lanes with him. In general, people are too impatient or simple to actually kick ass with him. The only thing I found that needed to be changed was his ult has limited utility. In general, I only play…
That modest
Maybe part of the problem is the uncanny valley of realism in the gore and brutality? I imagine that if they didn't go out of their way in showing how painful or bloody something is, it'd be less repulsive. This is practically like watching a snuff movie really...
Developer Netherrealm's Brian Goodman doesn't think that it goes too far (and neither do I, even though it doesn't appeal to me like it once did): "It's not really a question of too far," he said, "It's more a question of what's right for the game... really it's about finding the right tone and the right feel for the…
And it's on the internet, so it's forever now too!
Gag is right :o
Yeah, doesn't jive with me either
Thinking maybe they got the wrong legend or something
Haha, I love the terrible critiques of your advices in the comments sections...A lot of them seem to think they know better. Go, Team Fail!
I'm not as bad off as this guy sounded, but I can relate to it. As can a lot of people I know who just can't find the right someone in ages. I figure the method in what you suppose is madness is that if there's hope for people worse off than the average Joe, there's plenty of hope for those within the spectrum.
at least he won't require more minerals
That's actually really bad advice...