They've posted it on Bnet now:
They've posted it on Bnet now:
3 words: Wheel of Time
No, Valve is releasing DotA2.
Defense of the Ancients, actually.
@IncrediBurch: Rachel? You mean Amy?
@TheLostVikings: It takes a lot of fabric to cover large....tracts of land
@M.A. Actually, I noticed that after I posted the pic, but there's no delete option for these posts...>.>
@HumanRainDelay: I do believe that's a mirror behind her a la MySpace
Here's my photobucket of PAX pics if anyone's interested.
@IncrediBurch: Does this count? .
It was as if 1000 voices rose up in protest then quickly silenced...
Anne Frank as a stealth game!
@cosmopanda: Hope you didn't buy FF13 or any Kojima game...The cinematics last longer than 3min :O
Anyone else immediately think of Silent Scope???
@Ashurahori: Actually, I meant that whoever made the video didn't play the game :(
@黒人: So you're saying there's more to it than it being just a movie form of the series with somewhat better art?