
@Howunfortunate: If it could transform into a beer dispenser too....

@Ashurahori: Nono, that's the likelihood. The % is the success chance of pulling it off. Someone did NOT play the game....

@Taggart6: I'd KILL for a good puzzle

@Ogbert: You're doing it wrong if there's fireworks...

@Brian Crecente: Sorry, man, that doesn't remind me of a tree... :)

@Arnheim: Bubbleman uses Bubblebeam!

@Gargus: Haters gonna hate :\

@dracosummoner: Super Soul Calibur 5 EX Ultra Turbo Tag Tournament

@Gameslaya: Funny how no one questioned Cataclysm's release date....

@Sliferjam: Yeah, she only has a daughter. I mean, the odds of immaculate conception aren't zero, right?

@improprietary: I agree. Unless Jobs had a stash of genetically modified white apples for like $99/lb....

@B_Ren: No, they have banelings

@senselocke: Well, the kid did run up and hit the up arrow a few times....

@Ben Nadler: Imagine if they were in charge of the Korean missile defense systems. No missiles would be able to get within 20km of their shores.

@Gameslaya: Your friends must've thought you were fishy...

@Gameslaya: Wait, did you mean Polack? Cuz Pollock is a kind of fish, I thought....