
@Veit: Kids these days, eh?

@Y-bot: You clearly haven't seen the quality of the Starcraft 2 cutscenes

@Zenou: What if it happens the first time they try playing it?

@osteofight: If they aren't grandmas now, they're doing it wrong.

@Bubbleman!: As someone who actually watched Tekken, this movie has practically NOTHING to do with KoF. Tekken at least got the costumes right.

@Mulder: I think he'd get more out of the guy with a thermal detonator...

@Kimochi Sama: I think the girl in #1 deserves honorable mention

@Xagest: I've currently been working out every weekend to get in shape for a costume next year. I've gotta takes a lot of work, especially if you have a full time job where you sit on your butt all day :\

Almost mistook the guy at the start of the trailer for Siegfried from Soul Calibur IV......

@DARTH_TIGRIS: On the other hand, this could be the birth of many new and unused dance moves akin to the Shopping Cart or the Dice Roll. Just imagine the possibilities from those guys playing the racing game :D

@PatMan33: Wish that Togashi Yoshihiro would release the newest chapters already... :\

Now playing

@William Henry Harrison: It's a catchy tune. I wouldn't be surprised if HGW heard it at some point and used it as inspiration, intentional or otherwise.

@Michael Henninger: I don't know....looks more like Samuel L. Jackson beside Daredevil there :)

@square enigma: Maybe it's a good thing? The story does say that the Terrans are descended from prison ship survivors....

@resvrgam: Yeah, but that's the generic case for all relationships. You buy each other stuff and complain when one side doesn't.

@resvrgam: DA has more of the relationship drama. Fable has mindless spouses. Seriously, do the Fable spouses do any more than complain at you for presents and spending time with them?


@Wolf_Dog: Maybe a mutant dinosaur?