
@Hanchen Lu: How the heck did you recognize that as Haruhi? :\

@Salari: He's drinking your milkshake

@heretrix: I think the main complaint is against Americans cosplaying anime style characters...

@Keasar: Would've made a great backstory for Marcus :D

@Nethlem: An iPhone assault rifle app would be all the rage with the NRA though

Anyone else think #8 looks like a wacky-wild-waving-arms-man covered in mud?

@Fetid_Toad: "Tilt the controller to activate Star Power"

@fuchikoma: Yeah, I'm half expecting a magical witch girl or something to dance across the screen

@Jouen: I do believe, sir, that you have just lost :)

@Bael: haha...Actually, China would probably take the Koreanified Japanese one and badly trace that... Or just combine the two. Maids, marines and tentacles....

@superberg: Think I left something behind, and I don't mean my keys...

@Jonny_eh: Not the Japanese one :P

@mergedWAAGHHIOR: Yeah, they're on fire. You'll certainly have a blast

@mergedWAAGHHIOR: Dunno about zeppelins...those things have a reputation of bursting into fire....

Anyone else play Terranigma? :)

@gique: free censorship pro bono