
hmm....this seemed like a good idea at the time :\

@gundaman: he's covered wars, you know

@Hyperfludd: You'd think that was actually Kirby wearing a Jigglypuff hat....

Admiral Ackbar definitely said it best...

@InertGlasses: Actually, it's more of a stereotype than racism. Also on that note, it would be more of a racist stereotype for Nexus6 to say "How many bottles of sake did he sniff?"

@cjlopez: and don't forget about Rand McNally, where people wear shoes on their hands and hamburgers eat people

@chrismoke: From the reviews and videos I've seen, it looks like the NIA had more to do with subtle forehead muscle movements than actual brain waves. #emotivepoch

Wonder if it'll work better than the OCZ NIA... #emotivepoch

@Zallin: Ah, they've taken it down for "maintenance" now.

I wonder if he's gonna cast Milla Jovovich...

Colonize a planet for star power?

@Gyaruson: Here Comes a New Challenger!