
I tried, but they’re all dead from explosions or exposure to vacuum because their bleeding-edge tech didn’t anticipate hyperdrives being weaponized after 30,000 years of Galactic use. Got anyone else I could ask? Maybe the geniuses at Slayn and Korpil that designed the B/SF-17 heavy bomber? Are they still alive after

Well that's just the laziest sort of retcon. Not being much of a fan of The Office after Carnell left, I'm glad I decided not to watch these final episodes.

I'm not sure if you understood my original point. Which elevator scene on The Orville are you referring to?

Yes, it is odd that the Orville schlubs have the good manners not to sneeze directly into their fellow officers’ faces, but the Starfleet officers on the Discovery don’t. Klingon War PTSD or Tardigrade travel sickness?

It remains to be seen whether this will be one of those “popular” things or not. The comments on this very article seem somewhat mixed.

The scene you’re referring to was actually in the first movie. It’s why the Enterprise was short a Chief Science Officer until Spock arrived.

Skimming through the comments until I found someone mention the annular confinement beam system, which dispenses with issue #1, as Erin Marquis should have known.

The doctor very much sounds like the villain of the piece, so hopefully she’s just nuts. The first film didn’t need an intelligent Gaia theory to justify giant monsters running amuck.

That ending was basically taking a complete elevator joke straight out of The Orville and plopping it into the Discoverse, unaltered. It was kind of jarring.

OP was talking about rebooting series, though, not continuing them. I agree that it would make a lot more sense to reboot a show that never really took off rather than one that overstayed its welcome.

Don’t be silly.

But Fox would never have fired MacFarlane for that. You’ll have to wait a few years until the merger is complete for Disney to fire him for his jokes.

Just because he visits you three times a day doesn’t mean he holds the rest of us in the same esteem.

wtf is dikachu lol

But that’s exactly what makes the Harvester ships’ air-turbo-ramjets burn so cleanly!

It worked for me when she was crushing on smart, nerdy, oblivious Max, still obsessed with his wife. It didn’t work when he noticed and liked her back, especially before getting closure on his very much alive wife. If these episodes had even a whiff of a love triangle about them, I'm glad I skipped them.

They could always spend another $150 million to reshoot the entire film with a male Captain Mar-Vell. For reasons.

I remember reading something on this site about TWC contracts including specific clauses to indemnify the company against Harvey’s predatory behavior, which I can’t imagine Bob didn’t read.

Which was complete bullshit, because five TIE fighters half-wrecked the Raddus and blew up all their remaining starfighters with a few missiles, and none of them seemed close to being shot down. Launch a few hundred and the Resistance would have died instantly, with acceptable losses to your forces.

And it would be ridiculous if someone took that sort of damage from a lightsaber, fell down a huge shaft, and then somehow survived...”