

Perhaps it’ll have a much more luxurious interior than Tesla (???)

A Model X sized competitor, for a lower price with conventional doors and a dealer network that isn’t just a fancy store for me to buy stuff from?

Perhaps it’ll have a much more luxurious interior than Tesla (???)

This is, in short, modern Cadillac, playing catch up to a rival that is years ahead of it

Holy fuck this is exciting. AWD electric cars with torque vectoring racing wheel to wheel and they look like cars I can go buy on a lot tomorrow?  Hell yes.

1000% this. Ignoring everything about the incident, the CEO using Twitter to give details about the crash is bad. 

3rd: It’s okay for everyone else to speculate about the circumstances around the crash. IMO, Tesla’s CEO should hold off from publicly doing so until after the investigation has been completed. 

See that beautiful BMW in green with a tan interior at the top of this article?

Make a wagon version and I’m in. 

I’ve given up on names making sense with Audi for the most part. They also revealed the production A7L (China only model) which turns the liftback A7 into a sedan with a traditional trunk. Doesn’t making the A7 larger and removing the liftback make it an A8?

Now we’re getting somewhere! As long as they don’t do something really stupid about the interior, like removing physical buttons for the most important functions, this just might be an EV I’ll run as an only car.

I don’t know why people are getting freaked out by the e-tron naming convention; Audi has previous form here with Quattro.

When the Model S came out, it could charge at 72kw and had a range of 260 miles at a cost of $100k.

The US, learn from Europe? Never!

The funny thing is, it’s totally doable. Nine years is a loooooong time and auto manufacturers seem to have gotten the message that the ICE is going to have to die off.

The two door mock-up version is indeed absolutely awesome. I know this is a design article but can we also just take a moment to reflect on this thing having 275hp? Hyundai could’ve probably gotten away with giving it barely 180hp and I still think it’d sell well but 275 is just craziness and I am 100% here for it.

This vehicle is on my short list as would a truck cap. Where is the irony?

How much stuff do you take to the beach?

Having grown up in Michigan, I agree with you on the Michigan Left. However, I would also suggest the Diverging Diamond. It has proven to be effective in reducing accidents, especially left turn accidents, but it’s probably more confusing than a roundabout for first timers. MoDOT constructed the first one in