
The film industry is going full ham on depicting all Russian women as sexpot spy-assassins. It’s kind of gross.

Being an incredibly reactionary Tory, wringing rent out of impoverished people...

Wow, I can already tell the character in the first image is utterly insufferable just by reading that one sentence.

Why, because they make fun of Mother Hillary?

People are making a lot of fuss about how little sense it makes for Bran to be king, but Arya becoming Westerosi Christopher Columbus made even less sense. I really fucking hated that.

She's a pedophile and a rapist.

TH White has aged *horribly*.

He died trying to stop Cleganebowl from happening, fuck him.

How about we just guillotine the man

Anthony Mackie is the only comics fan among the Avengers cast, IIRC.

I mean, he kinda does. Him being “peak human” is literally physically impossible, you can’t have the physique to lift weight equal to the strongest powerlifter while simultaneously having the physique to run as fast as the greatest sprinter AND as tirelessly as the best marathon runner.

This looks amazing, but I hope the series doesn’t have an anti-Nuclear message (or continues the neo-Cold-War hysteria that we’ve been subjected to since 2016).

I was going to mention Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but I remembered that it has quite a few special effects in it, just mostly not done with CGI.

The second season of this show can’t hold a candle to the first. I was hoping that the production difficulties behind the scenes wouldn’t result in a worse production but the writing, directing, and even the acting have taken a sharp downward turn. I don’t know if I can even finish these episodes.

I really wish people would stop automatically associating public art with gentrification. One does not cause the other.

Can’t tell if this is satire or not...


How have Marx’s ideas been refuted? I’d argue they’re more valid now than ever.

AOC isn’t the story here. She was on for barely five minutes of the fifty-plus hour stream. A relative nobody raised 300K for a trans charity in one of the most transphobic countries in the West, THAT’S what’s important.