
So, cultural appropriation is not only bad, it’s also bad when you stop doing it because that’s somehow dishonest?

Why would a straight person WANT to have a band called “PWR BTTM”? I sure wouldn’t call my band that.

Not the earliest science fiction, but definitely the first time-travel story.

for good

Don’t worry, I’m certain the incessant knuckle-cracking and insufferable cocksure attitude stops being obnoxious and becomes endearing after ten or so issues.

Yes. That sound doesn’t even exist in Spanish, which makes sense because the word was made up by self-congratulatory Anglophones.

It also completely ignores Spanish pronunciation convention. It’s an English neologism that isn’t used anywhere in either Latin America or Spain.

I have a headache.

And William seriously needs to just start shaving his head. I guess he can’t do it due to it being ‘improper’, but it would look so much better on him.

Supposedly a bunch of people are reporting their family members being abducted by UFOs. Keep that up, guys.

Hot take time: the original Ghost in the Shell movie isn’t that good. Oh, the animation is beautiful and the opening is fantastic, but the plot itself is convoluted and difficult to understand, the dialogue is stilted and overloaded with exposition, and the pacing is miserable.

Hot take time: the original Ghost in the Shell movie isn’t that good. Oh, the animation is beautiful and the opening

Regular Thor doesn’t have a regular series for Jane Thor to outsell.

All I’m seeing is another fucking relaunch.

To be fair, Easter is called Passion in almost every non-English language, and the date is tied to Passover, not a pagan holiday. It’s just the eggs-and-bunnies imagery that’s pagan.

So... Black Panther isn’t in the issue at all? Why does it have the Black Panther name, then? He’s not even on the same continent.

Didn’t the previous one come out like a year ago?

She’s in an abusive relationship with eyeliner.


It’s kind of comforting knowing that I could be a better president than the current one given the chance.

US Women’s Soccer would go bankrupt in a week if they paid their players as much as men’s teams did.