
yeah, what exactly does "ceased his mortgage payments" mean? Did he just give his business to the bank?

Yeah I watched Cranston who is always a goof, and he was getting crickets from the studio. They will go nuts chanting "STEPHEN" at the slightest provocation, though.

Maybe a jentle jiraffe?

In your dreams, butt-horn!

That seems accurate to me. Sometimes the rounds you play with the biggest assholes are the most memorable, though.

Golf is fun as hell. It is challenging and frustrating, but rewarding. Plus it is a good opportunity to get together with friends in an outdoor setting where you can drink beers and drive around in a little cart.

I have been watching Colbert more over the past couple of months and while I like his monologues and whatnot, there is something uncomfortable about his interviews. I'm not sure what exactly is the cause, but his studio audience just doesn't seem to respond to the guests, and often leaves them hanging.

I mean, I think they did want him to have the build of a gorilla. He is apparently meant to be super strong because at one point Margot Robbie is sitting in a tree, and Tarzan just one hands his way up to the branch like he was riding on an elevator. His fists are also enormous because he grew up walking on all fours

I'm surprised there hasn't been mention of the Simon and Garfunkel song "Baby Driver" which probably inspired the premise of this. I am guessing it will show up in the end credits.

Yes, he enjoyed it quite a bit. He was impressed with the cast, and was surprised that he liked a movie that was outside his usual wheelhouse. Afterwards, he asked me how many films were in this series because he seemed interested in the characters, but unfortunately I don't think I can recommend any of the other

I appreciate the response but that is the type of stuff that will make this a more difficult sell to a 70 year old academic. I think ill just tell him that its a western/road movie and some of the people have abilities.

Kids do love westerns.

I am considering asking my dad to go see this even though Batman '89 is the last superhero type movie he has seen. I don't think he even knows who Wolverine is. Not sure if he'll be on board if I tell him too much about the background, so I'm trying to think of a minimalist description so that he will understand the

Under Siege 2 is pretty good overall, especially because of Begosian, but it doesn't have many standout moments or lines aside from Ryback using an Apple Newton (including his recipe for fruit salad) to fax for help.

If you need more movies to add to your list you can probably find some here:

you can probably make this yourself for less than 17 dollars.

I suspect that is because the cars maybe aren't as authentic as the weaponry? They aren't going to use a real 68 mustang that has all the original parts to crash into stuff, so it matters less whats under the hood. Sure, they could say it is like a GT500KR or something like that but it wouldn't be true.

"We have to start now considering the history of every object, phrase and
word and its potential for having a historical racist or offending
past? Really?"

she seemed cool, but didn't really do anything cool. Her special power was ordering people around without saying anything.

Like some others, I took a peek over at breitbart to see how they were treating this, and it seemed pretty fractured. They hadn't solidified a message yet so there were a lot of trial balloons being floated. There seemed to be quite a bit of friendly fire, with multiple peolple with "verified" Trump themed user names