
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that he is on RT now, since republicans have a Russia boner.

This is a pretty bold headline without some kind of qualifiers. It is certainly not the all around pie crust champ. Maybe it is good for pudding/mocha type pies, but the crisco crust is the best pie crust in the all around category. Also, I will declare peach pie to be the best pie. Other fruit pies are delicious,

I would never claim to be anything but white, but my mother traced our lineage back to a French fur trapper that hooked up with a native woman. I think she even found the gravestones and marriage records. So, this type of thing is not terribly uncommon, and I would imagine Warren's situation may be similar. Or maybe

THE McRUSSIAN? Are you kidding me with this? Are Russians known for their fish and potatoes? Even McDonalds is in on it.

If he fattened up his old guy puppet it would look just like trump.

Deep down all Donald wants is to be around important celebrities that think he is great. He achieved something not many thought was possible, but in doing so made everyone hate him. It's like that Twilight Zone where the guy finally has time to read and he breaks his glasses.

I think Trolli's are the worst of them all. Haribo is number one, and if those aren't available you can get away with Black Forest even though they changed their formula for the worse. The Haribo Sour Bears are in my opinion the best our world has to offer in terms of sour gelatin.

I am surprised to see Old Dutch Dill Chips pop up here. Around the turn of the century in my area, they were all of the sudden everywhere, with Old Dutch branded trucks a common sight. My rap persona often bragged about his consumption of Old Dutch dill chips the way other rap artists might brag about Moët or

I really like the spelling out of the sounds. Great job to whoever transcribed that.

Man that handshake thing is so wierd. You can really see on the Tillerson gif how far Trump yanks his arm back. If someone did that to me I would instinctually treat it as a hostile act, and pull my hand away, or get into some kind of arm pulling competition. But these guys just let him jerk their shoulder out of

People would have complained that he was above it all sitting up in his ivory tower and couldn't be bothered to mingle with the riff-raff.

Andrew Sullivan the famous comedian?

This seems like a wierd Obama criticism. Why should he not go to where the shows are filmed?

Right, they leave out that it was training for resisting torture. This guys attitude was like they used to do it to their buddies for fun.

I hope people here will notice, but I doubt it. He got elected because he was a dipshit, not in spite of it.

I can understand Palin or Cruz or whoever characterizing it as an attack on their kids, because that is the obvious way to trigger some outrage, but stories about these incidents don't need to necessarily buy into that.

I hate how the SNL writer's joke gets characterized as an attack on the liittlest Trump, rather than a joke at the expense of his parents. The same thing happened when Cruz ran his ad with his kids attacking Hillary. The jokes were about how he was a creepy wierdo, not that his kids suck.

My local congressman General Don Bacon was just on the news being asked about this. You would think a military man might have a little better perspective, but this guy said, "We will absolutely not torture, but if you are talking about waterboarding, thats not torture because we used to do that to our own guys".

So my question is if this same dog consciousness keeps getting reincarnated, is there a finite number of dog personalities that just swap around forever?

I'm guessing by "Lethal Weapon in space" they just mean there will be tons of saxophone in the score.