
I thought baggles was just a Community reference, but there seems to be something else going on with that word that I don't know about.

I am, but I was just using the Britta pronunciation for fun.

Never tried it before. It doesn't sound particularly good to me though.

I can empathize with these folks. There is some intangible thing about sushi that I can't get over, and perhaps fishiness in general. I don't like salmon, but whitefish and scrimps are great, and I have learned to enjoy crab legs in small amounts. The funny thing is that I think that Salmon Flavored Cream Cheese is

This seems fun enough to me. Sure, I'll wait to rent it, but it will be worth 5.99. Outside of the Furious movies, the last thing I saw the Rock in was San Andreas, which was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. His best movies are always him being the straight man with some other goofball.

my city hovers around 600,000 and is considered an outpost. I mean, it was traditionally an outpost, but for cattle, not for whatever we do nowadays.


I like the idea to just have an obit in the scrawl of ep 9. It eliminates the need to do any questionable re-creations. Maybe you can have a flashback if you have some footage, but leave it alone for the most part.

I didn't think Tarkin was a big deal because Star Wars has so many other characters that are CGI. I have watched some of Clone Wars, and I think it does take some getting used to, but I certainly wasn't raised on it.

You mention the security folks; they also have to protect Trump Tower for the next forever while paying Trump for rent.

It does though. Ted Cruz apparently was eligible to be president, so it is more of a parentage issue I guess.

Unfortunately, the answer is that the President gets his way. There are recommendations, but ultimately it is up to him.

I enjoyed it quite a bit. Like the reviewer, I thought it looked cool, and even though there were a few rough cgi spots, it looked miles better than NBC fantasy shows i've glimpsed in the past. I didn't know it was Singh directing but it makes sense.

I wish the interviewer could have touched on the songs inclusion in Die Hard, which has also become sort of a Christmas traditional. It is the first thing I think of when I hear that song, and I would imagine played a big role in not just popularizing the tune, but making it a cultural touchstone.