
The only thing in the world that will open this secret door is if the Iron Fist hits it, but I don't see anything wrong with throwing wild haymakers right in front of it.

The plan is super dumb, but putting this team together sort of makes it ok in my book.

Did the show say where Sam is going? Is he headed to Winterfell or back to Castle Black? It would make sense to go to Winterfell, but I have a hard time believeing Sansa will really listen to him, leading to more frustrated Sam faces.

I was rooting for Bronn to miss, and also to escape. It would have dissappointed me if they did the "Death in the Limelight" trope that I just learned the name for.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I like that Jon Snow looks like a big ol' goof for his whole time so far on Dragonstone. He's out of his element (haha) and it shows. But put him back up north with some fur/hide armor on and he is clearly the top dog. At Dragonstone, he might as well be wearing floppy

There were actually 3 giants in that shot. I was so focused on the guy in front I didn't notice the two giants flanking him in the background. I also don't think any of them are Wun Wun, as he probably got burned after that battle.

The D.A.R.E. presentation I saw taught me that marijuana was also known as "loco weed". They had a giant square frame with a bunch of different drugs mounted like butterflies under glass, and the various slang names underneath each one.

What the fuck is an egg cup?

I also thought the relationship stuff in ASM2 was irritating, but it didn't bother me as much in the Raimi films because at least after the obligatory pushing her away for her own safety, he gives her space. I think Tobey-Spiderman goes months without seeing MJ, whereas Garfield-Spiderman is stalking Gwen almost

I don't think this is entirely correct. They may not have been able to do anything about Colbert, but the right learned quite a bit during gamergate and were successful at using the language of the left to persuade companies to drop advertising to various websites. It is only a matter of time before that strategy

I think Dorothy left him in Oz like when Peter Petrelli left his girlfriend in a dystopian future and never went to pick her up.

OK yeah, you are right. They listened to a rendition of the song based only on the sheet music and stripped down version of Gaye's performance. Still, they weren't allowed to listen to the version of the song that everyone else knows, which in my mind would show that the songs have a similar feel, but are not the same.

I think it has something to do with who owns the copyright to what. The Gaye family owns the rights to the sheet music, but someone else (record company probably) owns the performance rights. Since the family didn't own the performance rights, the song couldn't be listened to as part of the case. Which seems

I don't think he was trying to diminish the Holocaust, even though thats what he ended up doing. I think he was trying to make Assad sound worse because they are struggling to justify the missile strikes.

I like the Hormel Black Label as well, but I have never seen any other of the Labels for sale. I am assuming there is a Red Label and a Gold Label but have not been able to confirm.

I don't know if they ever tracked down the specific culprit, but it seemed pretty obvious to me that it was the lettuce. The fertilizer just didn't get washed off well enough. You don't hear about tomatoes giving people e. coli because it is a self contained unit, but lettuce has all manner of flip flaps for some

I love their taco pizza, but I don't think the enormous chunks of tomato are a great design decision.

I had the Szechuan dipping sauce when I was a kid, and it was indeed delicious, but it was only around for a very short time.

You speakin da true true.

That is ridiculous. He was forced into trying to spin it to his favor.