
The bigger issue relative to these crimes is that they’re a doomsday cult awaiting the destruction of the world and especially the US. Of course they’re going to shirk the law. defrauding the welfare system is seen as a virtuous act, they’re “bleeding the beast.” the FLDS really lives outside the law in every way

this comment was popcorn worthy

Yep, and they’ll just have to suck it. This will actually help the Planned Parenthood near me. Yay!

You’re right. A Lot of them don’t know the difference between birth control and abortion. Any attempt at birth control is akin to killin’ babies to them.

Texas legislators are about to have a meltdown

“Think of the children! All the children that they won’t be having!!!11!!! :( :( :(”

Yeah, I was going to say “over/under on how long it takes the ledge to fuck this up."

I get the feeling that birth control is going to be reclassified as abortion...

It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.

He’s a not-terribly-good NASCAR driver.

Yup. Bad fanfic circa 2007.

Seriously? The reason this character is involved makes no sense within the context of the other books. I enjoyed the first half of the play, but the third act she lost me and she lost me good.

I’m still waiting for “Hogwarts: A History.”

Why don’t you two find some quiet place to suck each other off

No, no, I was just referencing back to your (excellent) list.

(just doing my part to help bump it up!)

And then there’s the Well Actually Guy’s defense— “Well, actually, it’s all because she DOESN’T MODULATE”, and then launches into a page-long faux-amateur-speech-therapist essay containing a bunch of pseudoscience about acoustics and anatomy (neither of which he knows the first thing about), all to prove Very Very

“Robotic” and “insincere” are both perfectly fine criticisms. So, in fact, are Sullivan’s “pedestrian” and “uninspiring”. People are free to disagree with you, but those are terms that are routinely applied to male speakers as well as female.