
So who gets to decide on this tribunal what counts as sexual harassment and what doesn’t? Do they go by strict law definition? They have to revictimize themselves and then there is still a potential for “You haven’t suffered enough, or how you benefited outweighed what you went through.” Why not just make a support

Also: As far as I know the hotline and its resources are for people from all gender expressions and ability level (there quicklink for people who have disabilities and are being abused by their caretakers) As domestic violence can affect anyone regardless of demographic, please know that you are not alone

Leaving an abuser is one of the hardest choices a survivor can make, I hope she finds the strength within herself to do it, quick suggestion though, I know sometimes there are links posted at the bottoms of articles for people who have lost their battles with depression for hotlines and online resources, can Jez start

This is like Bee movie all over again

You bring up excellent points, the only problem with removing them full swoop is that there are channels specifically designed for elementary and middle school children where they should have more entertainment options than just animated features, diversity is so important and kids need to see people like them in the

I genuinely do not know how to expose it without exposing them, which is the largest problem with it. Especially because if a survivor decided to take a case to court historically it seems like they will be not only revictimized but also belittled until later, when more survivors stand up. Which is terrible because

Oh it was absolutely a dumb thing for me to have to say, but I looked at it as better to get in trouble for following the rules than to get in trouble for being more clear and saying your card is declined. Because if the person gets embarrassed and goes to guest services I am at least covered by "the rules"

Its a weird balance because on one hand there are many stories that would be significantly affected without children to help push the narrative (Without spoiling, Stranger things would be nowhere near as compelling if its plot did not revolve around a lost child) and on the other, taking children out of Hollywood

after that I would usually launch into an explanation about how its possible that the company noticed some activity that wasn’t in their usual area or within the norms of what they typically spent and shut down the card to prevent fraud, then I would agree that it could be annoying and hope to god the next card they

Please tell me you took some free cake

Honestly I wish that whole thread had not been so hastily shut down by the media/whatever conglomerate (conspiracy!) chooses what we see. Because the sexual abuse of minors is everywhere and it absolutely needs to be exposed. Its like every person that said something that week (or two but I know it wasn’t very long)

When I worked in a theme park I was told not to say "your card is declined" because guest service or something, so I would say their cards ran out of magic, which would only confuse and piss them off more.

I couldn’t picture it any other way

If it helps, I am not sure I wouldn’t take the money, in my personal life I recently had to make a choice between the morally right, and the financially safe. I choose my finances, and I am not proud of having done so. To ease the guilt I am doing my best to help out the friend in my life that had no choice, but at

His name would be emblazoned on it, so it would stand to as a testament to him long after the scandal and knowledge of what he had done faded from public consciousness. It would be against my morals personally because I find the acts he committed to be horrific, at the same time I do not think I would be able to turn

I honestly read this in Derek Zoolander's voice and my immediate reaction was WHAT IS THIS? A CENTER FOR ANTS?

I cant wait to see him wearing that on January 20th. I will be so upset if they don’t both wear them. (lets be real I am going to be upset no matter what HE CANT LEAVE)

Agreed! We need some feel good fuzzies in this dumpster fire of a year

Same, they humbled the shit out of me. I can talk the talk but I don’t know if I could walk that walk.

Seriously, I was going to add to this comment originally to say like “oh I would take that dirty money and use it to make something for the seniors and victims of sexual assault” but I didn’t want to detract from what they did by acting like I could have done something better by accepting it, because the truth is, I