
Today I present a challenge to you two: get the most bizarre quote you possibly can from an attendee, now this may seem easy but the real challenge is of all the wild things you will hear today how will you choose just one to be the defining quote of Day 2?

You know, I never thought of it that way, but you are right. Basically what happens is that they will tell another person “what I said/did” and that person will check with me to make sure that the story is true because they are aware of the problem. So I send off the screen shots I took to be like here’s the entire

Shockingly yes, as do both Kim and Taylor, all of whom are now parties involved in this

The problem with it being a publicity stunt is that they both have fans that are willing to go HARD for them, so rather than fighting with the media they are siccing their fans directly against each other, which is not a good look for them in the event that they were just doing it for the lolz. To many young fans are

The voter percentage split is what kept him afloat though, for a specific example: on the feb 20th South Carolina primary, Trump received 32.5% of the vote, whereas Cruz received 22.3% and Rubio received 22.5%, both of those are technically less than the percentage trump received however, had only one of them been

At the end it was the hubris of Rubio and Cruz that really made it happen though, because the two of them refused to concede to each other until far too late the votes kept splitting enough to let trump come out on top (even though combined those votes would have been above the percentage Trump received) and by the

Trump probably forced it to go down after they refused to make one with his name on it.

Honestly this whole thing has made it more real for me, like I know most people have their “Celebrities are just like us” moments when famous people are seen buying benign items in the grocery store. But for me this is it. I have some people in my life that are known to twist words to the point of madness so I keep

I just... why Ohio?

I’m a sailboat myself (it speaks to my inner desire for *freedom* in the theoretical life I lead where I have enough money to spend 7 dollars on a piece of stupid shit but not enough money to just buy a new towel)

You could also use it as a weird cult identifier, like "young Jenny was cast from the fold when she appeared with a clam brand instead of the socially acceptable hot dog, it was clear she had been fraternizing with OTHERS"

Why would you purposely puncture a towel to put a metal charm on it? It just seems like it would cause a hole and ruin the towel really quickly, plus any time the towel is outside that little piece of metal is going to get really hot really quickly. I do not fancy a minuscule baseball glove being seared into my skin

Very true, plus it would be extremely unethical to have a person infected with Zika deliberately have sex with an uninfected party just to test the infection patterns.

Newty was the name of my newt that I had in second grade. I have nothing else to add to this besides that I am apparently as terrible at naming things as Newt Gingritch's parents

I get that they previously only thought that sexual transmission occurred only from males to females and not vise versa but it is still surprising that with the magnitude of this public health crisis they weren’t exploring and testing every option from the get go with the attitude of “just in case” because this has

Translation: Everyone he has asked responded with "I would rather hold molten lava but thanks"

What follows is worse honestly “Hunt would use the Emoji with the biggest smile to represent the couple" it sounds like they are 5th graders running around with 143 on the backs of their hands (unless that was a my middle school thing in which case 143 stands for I love you and I lived in THAT type of suburb)

Watch them all be conspiring to mess with us in the greatest trolling of all time, like something something MEDIA FOCUS something something

Heather Morris the woman who played Brittany in the show was actually a former dancer they brought on to help teach the moves to “single ladies” (she was one of Beyoncé’s backup dancers) they liked her so they kept her for the show. I hate myself for knowing this but watching (and enjoying) glee season 1-3 1/2 is one

10 things I hate about you is one of my favorite movies, thank you for this