I wish senior year Obama was the Obama we had all along but at least now he is taking a stand, to fall back on clichés better late than never I guess.
I wish senior year Obama was the Obama we had all along but at least now he is taking a stand, to fall back on clichés better late than never I guess.
He has a black friend, a gay friend, AND a woman friend. He is a paragon of tolerance!
irrefutable evidence right there
Margret Cho is actually really open about her struggles with addiction, I've seen her live twice and her talking about fishing a pill out of her own vomit both doesn’t get easier to hear nor less funny in the way she presents it. She's a genius honestly and I hope that if she is in for rehab that she gets the help she…
And here I thought he would have said "Immigrants we get the job done"
Nah they were right, I was so focused on proving my one point that I made a total mistake on proving another. That’s on me and they do deserve that acknowledgement.
Well there you go, I was so focused on being right I moved the goal posts on myself and fucked up in a major way. I will take a very small cold comfort in knowing at least that there was more than one guy who regretted their vote. Other than that I apologize and will go feel stupid in a hole now
see I missed it until my last comment but by then I was like "some idiot isn't going to read the article and think they are right so now I am trapped."
I worry about your math skills but I’ll break it down for you 1,130,000 regret voting leave, 696,000 regret voting remain, now one number is clearly smaller than the other but lets look at by how much, 1,130,000-696,000 would leave a surplus of 434,000 on the “regret voting leave and would change their vote to remain”…
There actually would have been a surplus of 434000 on the side of remain, so in the original vote remain would have won, it wouldn’t matter in a second vote- which isn’t going to happen and honestly shouldn’t happen. but in the original? It would have mattered enough to change the entire vote.
What really gets me is all of the people who woke up the day after that vote after actively voting “leave” and went “wait what we didn’t actually want this" WHO DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO PICK UP THE SLACK OF YOUR STUPID PROTEST VOTE
If there is one thing #brexit made clear to me its that he is absolutely possible and actually more than likely, the worst part is there is no clear way to stop him.
I mean she didn’t even bother to actually verify her story, and by doing so gave apologists a giant target to point at in the "false rape claim" argument that always comes up. I'm not surprised she went underground afterward.
I demand that they all wear full jean outfits so I can relive that time period with poor decision making fully intact
Honestly the only thing I am excited for with this whole Calvin, Hiddles, Tswift thing are the passive aggressive music videos that we all know are coming.
If you die in Real Life, then wake up in Westeros, and then die there (because its Westeros) where do you go?
Imagine being the guy who could say "I beat the shit out of Jon Snow"
But I need to know how they balance work and home life! How do they have it all? What minor chore does their more successful spouse help out with?