I would not be the least bit surprised if he was one of those rich fuckers who honestly thinks that, because he’s paid so much in taxes over the years, the government somehow owes him more.
I would not be the least bit surprised if he was one of those rich fuckers who honestly thinks that, because he’s paid so much in taxes over the years, the government somehow owes him more.
God these people are so goddamn shameless. This fucker Munchin is a millionaire- yet he still thinks he can get free shit at the expense of everyone else. Fuck him.
This is ESPECIALLY delightful after her instagram rant where she bragged about how they didn’t take a government plane on their honeymoon. No, tumbleweed, but you asked to. Shuddup.
My Father was an Air Force Air Mobility Command Officer (Now Retired). I’ll let his email to me speak for itself:
i’ve been drunk enough to voluntarily eat Arbys, but never drunk enough to become racist.
It’s like the show is ending all over again.
In the last episode when Liz told Tray he was difficult to work with and made her life hard but because the brain isn’t connected to the heart she loves him and he’s her family Tina starts tearing up for real. It always gets me.
Tina and Jane crying will kill you. 30 Rock Goodbye from Cast & Crew.
It’s 6 pm. What am I, a farmer?
“never follow a hippie to a second location” is maybe my favorite line from a TV show, EVER!
“But he wasn’t even in the war!”
Counter-counter-point: Ya burnt!
Colleeeeeen. She was the best. “My father did not kill dozens of Germans so that his daughter could die in a van.”
All God’s children are terrible.
I rewatched 30 Rock after the election...so many Trump jokes, so much Make America Great Again.
Such a First World Problem™, but I’m devastated by this. I love the wit & absurdity of this show, & I still stream it all.
I can’t believe the way that newspaper printed what you said the other day, Liz Lemon.
Not before my werewolf bar mitzvah!