The flu shot isn’t perfect, there are often several flus circulating and manufacturers have to guess which one will be the modt common. You coulc have been vaccinated against flu A and gotten flu B
The flu shot isn’t perfect, there are often several flus circulating and manufacturers have to guess which one will be the modt common. You coulc have been vaccinated against flu A and gotten flu B
It usually lasts four or five days, and when you have a temp of 102 and can’t move because your joints hurt, it sure feels like you’re sick.
I mostly work from home and I’m doing a great job of becoming a shut-in. Highly recommended!
This is why I don’t open the door for unexpected company. Or the phone for unknown numbers. Or talk to people in general.
Did anyone want the first one?
“she was wearing a kind of bustier costume that was very form-fitting.”
This guy has been a dick for his entire life. And it’s funny how he praises his Sarah Connor character and Linda Hamilton’s incarnation, but then look how he ACTUALLY treated Linda, the person.
He can jump right into a lake of burning petrol.
“Kushner can’t even fill out the most basic paperwork without screwing it up, so it’s a mystery why anyone thinks he’s somehow going to bring peace to the Middle East.
Kushner registering to vote.
I know Mueller is getting all his ducks in a row to throw the book at him but damn I wish it was faster.
I like it because they don’t lie.
It really says something about our society where the Satanists are the good people.
Looks like the only two religious organizations I would consider joining are the Quakers and the Satanists. Good job, satanists!
I was born with a dick and now I’m gay. Coincidence? I think not.
They should have been more subtle about it, plausible deniability, ya know. I’m offended that they didn’t execute this time honored tradition better. 1/10
It’s a different shot. (It’s a crude carving on the inside of a log.) I don’t know why they didn’t post it.