If I’m not mistaken, Elon Musk made $350,000,000 each day between 2020 and 2022. Launch that dipshit into space.
If I’m not mistaken, Elon Musk made $350,000,000 each day between 2020 and 2022. Launch that dipshit into space.
I agree
How did they know where he was? They know where everyone is by tracking our IMEI. The senso can see that data overlaid on their targeting pod.
I would truly love to understand what the fuck I’m looking at in that picture. The twisty copperish tubes look rather steampunk. Please let us know what you discover!
This honestly sounds amazing. I can’t tell you how many times people use my work, and that of millions of others, on the internet under the assumption that it’s free. That my training was free; that my equipment was free; that my rent and food and childcare is all somehow free.
I’m curious, too. To fly a Cessna you need a pair of hands. To fly one of these things you need a ground control station with a Ku band radio and a satellite uplink; the bulbous nose of the aircraft houses a satellite dish that turns to follow its DoD partner in orbit.
Amazing of course, and please please check out the episode of Reply All.... I think? Or Heavyweight... it’s Heavyweight. Where the guy tracks down apparently the only person in Russian Ark to look directly into the camera:
A million words to basically describe any club race.
It honestly makes me retch that these people are working so hard to remove the driver from the equation. What is the endgame? No jobs that can’t be done by robots? Ie, no jobs.
God, Sicario 2 was such an unspeakable sack of shit, it really made me angry.
See above.
In a country where nearly-naked teenagers flash their crotches at sporting events, this seems super weird to me.
Saddest thing about the NYification of Cadillac was watching all their marketing folk start wearing very tight suits and pocket squares to demonstrate their tight synergy with the new culture.
There I was at a thing one time and Plaza looked me right in the eye while I was standing by a porta potty and honestly, all kinds of possibilities did not come to fruition that day.
Someone laser etch what you wrote into some monument in DC, please, for the love of god I’m tired of America being a life-or-death, love-it-or-leave-it state.
It’s kind of wild when you think about it:
37 children die in hot cars every year??? We should spend $250,000,000 every day for two decades to make sure this does not happen*
Oh come on, who gives a fuck.
Indeed. I was pointing out the absurdity of your suggestion.