
He’s scary because he’s so recognizable. He’s the superpowered version of that guy who feels entitled to the hot chicks and refuses to acknowledge that other people have feelings and desires, and agency. Women might as well be trophies in his mind. Yup, that’s familiar.

why does the whole internet hate the twin sister? Because she yells sometimes? She cared about her brother the only time she acted ridiculous was when she helped get a lynching party together. That was weird but I liked her a lot and I thought she was hot. Fuck you everyone on the internet.

His willingness to blow up the house shows that he has no problem breaking his word to Jessica and Trish and that he had no problem killing civilians to take out Kilgrave, and this is before he’s on his crazy pills and even before Kilgrave blows up his boys and an innocent civilian with a bomb in his face.

She wasn’t a horrible person. She was a compassionate and passionate person who was socially-awkward. Was she controlling, domineering, and nosy? Yes.

My interpretation is that nobody hired her. She was following him out of guilt. If I’m not mistaken, the first time she follows him, she gets out of bed to do it because her demons wouldn’t let her sleep.

I disagree , Kilgrave had to die to suit the gritty setting . He had no where else to go. To warped to continue and way to many enemies to stay alive . And its actually enjoyable to see a villain wasted for a change . No hope of return and finished . Some villains should just mess with the wrong heros from time to

Tennant’s Killgrave is the scariest villain in a long time. The psychological idea of his powers and the way he abuses ordinary people makes him far more frightening than any other evil villains I have seen since Dr Who’s first weeping angels.