
It seems that the folks who might benefit from this the most are the same folks who should definitely not use it.

Look into it, if you dare. It’s... demented and unapologetically repugnant.

Honestly... I don’t know either. That whole segment kind of went off the rails for me.

All I got was that the SOURCE of his powers were a virus, and that if you cured HIM of the virus the powers would go away. I don’t recall anything stating that exposure to the virus was the control mechanism...

Her pitchfork campaign was understandable.

I’m male. And Kilgrave was terrifying. Partly due to the excellent writing and moody atmosphere, but because sociopaths are terrifying. People that think of others as just things don’t have a conscience, or empathy. Now a sociopath with mind control?

I loved Robyn. And her actions were UNDERSTANDABLE. Her brother starts getting the hots for the annoying neighbor downstairs, then vanishes, the abitchy PI throws away the “missing” posters like a slap in the face, and then she finds out that her brother is dead by eavesdropping on JJ’s ‘junkie’ friend talking to a

He wasn’t just a criminal with mind control powers; he was a sociopath on the highest order, with mind control. To him other people were just toys. In perspective, how many people still died died after Jessica put him in the Sin Bin?

There were a lot of people who died. Ruben. Clemons. Hope. Wendy. I felt all their deaths keenly, as was intended. It’s hard to argue that they’re killing off the black men for shock value when you put all the bodies together.

I am willing to accept it. Given that his commands generally seem to leave little room to the victim to even consider doing anything but follow his command, and that he’s usually there to enforce his will, it took his absence, the inability to immediately follow his command and some coaxing around the wording.