
Yeah, this. Some idiots on Twitter criticized her hair. Yes, some of them happened to be black. I got what TLE was saying, and having sort of a hazy memory of the story, I decided to go back and take a look at what exactly happened.

I don't know, I'm pretty there's a fair amount of bees out there who just wish they were wasps. I have a pretty simple motto to get me through life "If it flies and stings, keep me away from those things."

Do you know why honey tastes so good? Because bees love the idea of you eating something that came out of their

When I was a kid, I used to dream of a bee forcefield that would kill any bee that got near my house. Global unsolvable bee plague is close enough.

and if you throw them in the river Styx, they become legendary warriors.

I'd judge, but I basically feel the same way about bees.

Let me guess, Schumacher really wanted this scene in Batman and Robin, but they couldn't get the rights to Spidey

** "Unless I can somehow claim I was being ironic or self-deprecating in a totes positive way"

As far as the fakeness charge, some of it is certainly run of the mill sexism, and I think some of it is carried over from the pre-TMZ days of a celebrity coming off as easygoing, but then turning out to be a diva (I only say pre-TMZ because now it's become very regular). Also agree with the idea that the terminology

I don't think it's a great or original concept, but I think Spike Jonez, generally a thoughtful, nonproblematic filmmaker is smarter than to make Phoenix's character out to be a hero. I could be wrong, but I don't see a need to jump to conclusions.

Change the word "shower" to "party." Worst case: people show up dressed as a baby.

Do Squash players have a rivalry with Racquetball players? Or are they the same people? I agree with the ranking in theory, after all Racquetball players could easily be called Racquetballers, and that's a slippery slope to having a bunch of ruffians designate themselves as Da Rakkitballaz, which would be most